Alejandra: First Lady of the New Bents Old Fort - Proof Copy of Memoirs Delivered

Description: Alejandra Aldred-Adams recently celebrated her birthday and welcomed the proof copy of her memoir, which was delivered on that day. Alejandra: First Lady of the New Bents Old Fort is her story of being employed at Bents Old Fort NHS for 27 years.

Published: 04/21/2021
Byline: Hart

Alejandra:  First Lady of the New Bent's Old Fort
by: Ed Stafford
     A gathering at the home of Alejandra Aldred-Adams recently celebrated her birthday and welcomed the proof copy of her memoir, which was delivered on that day.
     She was joined for a lunch, which she prepared, by friends and relatives, particularly her sister, Connie Vigil, who came from Westminster for the occasion.
     A special guest was Don Kallaus of Colorado Springs who surprised Alejandra by bringing the proof copy of her memoir, which his company, Rhyolite Press, will complete printing in quantity soon.
     Also in attendance were Ed and Clara Lee Stafford, who have been editing the book, "Alejandra:  First Lady of the New Bent's Old Fort," for the past year.
     "Alejandra:  First Lady of the New Bent's Old Fort"is her story of being employed at Bent's Old Fort NHS for 27 years, during which she portrayed the Mexican laborer woman in the reconstructed fort from 1975 to 1995.  She was the first Hispanic Chief Ranger at the park located near La Junta, where she was reared.
     The proof copy of a book to be published is the last chance an author has to catch minor errors and see it as it will be in published form.

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