5/2/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Status Update
Description: 5/2/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Status Update; Vaccination Appointments - Requirements/Recommendations
The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Sunday, 5/2/2021 at 1:02 p.m.
5/2/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Status Update; Vaccination Appointments; Requirements/Recommendations
Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.
Internet links: Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active. However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow. You may have to search around a bit.
- Current Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Status:
- One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate (per 100,000) Ranges
§ Green Level: 0-35
§ Blue Level: 36-100
§ Yellow Level: 101-300
§ Orange Level: 301-500
§ Red Level: Greater than 500
- Crowley County One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate: Crowley has continued to add cases, and we just crossed the 1 week cumulative incidence rate Orange Level threshold with a rate of 315 for the time period 4/24/2021-4/30/2021. Additionally, our 1 week average test positivity rate is currently at 6.12%. I have requested data from the Colorado Electronic Disease Reporting System (CEDRS) to verify that none of these recent cases reflected in the above case rate are prison inmates. If I find that inmates have been included, I will independently calculate a community rate and then let you know what that is, so stay tuned. We need everybody’s help to get the rates back down, so please do your part.
- Otero County One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate: Otero just crossed the 1 week cumulative incidence rate Yellow Level threshold with a rate of 164.1 for the time period 4/24/2021-4/30/2021. Our 1 week average test positivity rate has risen to 5.23%. Let’s work together to stop the rate increases, it’s up to us.
- COVID-19 Status Dashboard: COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
- Keeping Our Rates Down: How can we do this? The Governor’s Office shared these great suggestions on 4/13/2021:
“Along with getting the vaccine as soon as one becomes available, it’s crucial that Coloradans continue to take good sense safety measures including:
a. Wearing masks
b. Social distancing
c. Staying home when sick
d. Getting tested if you think you have been exposed to someone with COVID
e. Gathering outside in small groups instead of opting for indoors
- Vaccination Appointments: If you would like to make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination, please call Carolina Cortez at 719-468-8083, 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. If Carolina is busy assisting another person, please leave a message.
- Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Requirements & Recommendations: Effective 4/16/2021 and until further notice, the following are the COVID-19 requirements & recommendations for Crowley and Otero Counties:
§ Masks continue to be required in the following settings/places (statewide requirement):
· Schools (including for extracurricular activities);
· Child care centers;
· Indoor children’s camps;
· Public-facing state government facilities;
· Emergency medical and other healthcare settings (including hospitals, ambulance service centers, urgent care centers, non-ambulatory surgical structures, clinics, doctors’ offices, and non-urgent care medical structures);
· Personal services (i.e. hair salons, nail salons, esthetician services, body art professionals, etc.);
· Limited health care settings as defined by Public Health Order (PHO) 20-36;
· Congregate care facilities (nursing facilities, assisted living residences, intermediate care facilities, and group homes); &
· Prisons and jails.
· PHO 20-38 rate-specific requirement: “For counties with a one week disease incidence rate in excess of 35 per 100,000, face coverings are also required pursuant to Executive Order D 2020 138, as amended and extended, in a Public Indoor Space, as defined in Executive Order D 2020 138, as amended and extended, where 10 or more unvaccinated individuals or individuals of unknown vaccination status are present.”
o This currently applies to both Crowley and Otero Counties.
o For questions regarding this state requirement, please contact Su Korbitz (719-241-4372, ehdir@oterogov.org) or Tony Harviston (719-383-3087, eha@oterogov.org)
· Executive Orders & Public Health Orders (PHO) can be found here: Public health & executive orders | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
§ Under current state requirement, 6 foot social distancing is required between parties in mass indoor gatherings that exceed 100 people (for unvaccinated people or when vaccination status is unknown).
- RECOMMENDATIONS: Additionally, I am making the following recommendations for Crowley and Otero Counties:
§ I would strongly urge all those that have not been vaccinated to wear a mask when in any public places, including employees/staff of businesses. In other words, if you have not been vaccinated please wear a mask when you go out in public, regardless of how many people are in the public place. Additionally, please practice social distancing when in public places, regardless of how many people are there.
§ If you have been vaccinated but you have not had 14 full days elapse since being vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson vaccine, or 14 full days have not elapsed since your booster shot (second shot) of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, please wear a mask when in any public places, including employees/staff of businesses. This 14 day period allows your body the necessary time to develop immunity. In other words, please wear a mask when you go out in public, regardless of how many people are in the public place. Additionally, please practice social distancing when in public places, regardless of how many people are there.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Richard Ritter, Executive Director
Otero County Health Department
13 West 3rd Street, Room 111
La Junta, Colorado 81050
719-383-3045 (Office)
719-383-3060 (Fax)
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