Boggsville: One of Colorado's Early Settlements

Description: Just South of Las Animas, Boggsville was home to early Colorado settlers and has historically hosted many community events, even recently.

Published: 07/12/2020
Byline: Hart

Boggsville - A Historic Destination in Southeast Colorado 




Boggsville Seco news

Boggsville is a historic stop along the Santa Fe Trail. 

Kit Carson Headstone Seco NewsOne of Kit Carson's many grave markers rests at Boggsville. 

Boggsville Seco News Image


There are several buildings at Boggsville, each of them have served various purposes over the years.

Boggsville, seco news image


Boggsville, Antique farm equipment

Boggsville, Antique farm equipment seconews

Boggsville, Antique farm equipment

Boggsville, This is just one of several informative plaques around Boggsville. If you visit, make sure you take the time to read about the regional history on these colorful displays.


The only thing missing from these images of one of Colorado's early settlements is people. Boggsville is better when there's a celebration, and when there's an event there's usually food. I am sure over the years many fires have cooked here. When I think of the region's food I am reminded of Purgatoire Pie.


Some of the valley's oldest mulberry trees live here. In dry years there may be no berries at all, and in wet years they can produce a large crop of sweet berries. Eventhough they aren't an ingredient for the above mentioned Purgatoire Pie, these particular mulberries make delicious jam and jelly.

For More Information About The Boggsville Historic Landmark:

Santa Fe Trail Turns 200, National Park Service Commemorates

Santa Fe Trail 200th Symposium Featured Speaker: David Beyreis

Alejandra: First Lady of the New Bents Old Fort - Proof Copy of Memoirs Delivered

Local Author Releases Her Memoir About Bents Fort NHS

Dozens of Volunteers Clean Up Boggsville For Anniversary Celebrations


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