OJC Classified Staff Raise Funds for Student Scholarships

Description: Some of Classified Staff members who helped with the event are pictured here (l-r): Will Cool, Irma Freidenberger, Kurt Paugh, Becky Hund, Garrett Palmer and Janet Golden.

Published: 05/13/2021
Byline: Hart

OJC Classified Staff Raise Funds for Student Scholarships

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ................................................................  May 13, 2021

By: Sarah Petramala

LA JUNTA — The Classified Staff at Otero Junior College held a plant sale on May 6 to help raise funds for student scholarships. They award one student $500 each semester toward their tuition to help them complete their education. For this event, they were able to raise nearly $800.

Becky Hund, Classified Staff President, said, “This year we offered perennials in addition to the annuals that we typically sell. Elephant Ears, Petunias and Brussel Sprout plants were just a few of the offerings this year. We had a really great turnout and were sold out after only an hour and a half.”

In addition to this fundraiser, they also host an auction in the fall semester. This year, they plan to have a back-to-school virtual silent auction that would feature school items as well as variety baskets. Thanks to Pat Reed and Randy Fritz, they will also be auctioning off some small Oak trees. These events are open to the community and more information will be shared as it becomes available.

“A huge thank you to all of our classified staff who put a ton of effort into this project, but especially to Pat Reed, and our grounds staff who grew and took care of the plants in our on-campus green house,” Hund shared. “This year we broke all prior monetary records. Our mission is to help students finish their degrees and support them however we can, but financially is an area that is specifically beneficial. These fundraisers help us get closer to that goal.”

To support the Classified Staff Scholarship, community members can contact Becky Hund at 719-384-6855 or Dillon Martin at 719-384-6890.

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