Bria Gardner Receives Communities That Care Volunteer of the Year Youth Recognition Award

Description: Bent County Commissioner Kim McDonnell Presented the Arkansas Valley Communities That Care Youth Achievement Volunteer of the Year Award to Bria Gardner. (Courtesy Photos)
Published: 05/24/2021
Byline: Hart

Volunteer of the Year: A young person who gives up their own time to help their community.

Recipient: Bria Gardner
Nomination Narrative: Bria has a huge heart she loves helping out at the Bent County Early Learning Center.
She is in one of the daycare classrooms before school after school and even on a Friday when she doesn't have school.
She enjoys learning alongside these young children and truly cares for each of them.
She is a great student inside the classroom and is a joy to be around. She especially loves the babies, she will do anything to spend time with them. Bria also babysits on her weekends and is always happy to do so.
(The intention of the Communities That Care Youth Recognition Award is to acknowledge youth for their contributions to community outside of just athletics and academics and instead focus on some of the ways they make the world better.)
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