Makayla Rodriguez Receives Bent County Communities That Care Youth Recognition Award
Description: Bent County Commissioner Kim McDonnell Presented Makyla Rodriguez with the Bent County Communities That Care Youth Recognition Award. (Courtesy Photo)
Published: 05/29/2021
Family First Award: A young person who has been an outstanding support for their loved ones; perhaps a parent, siblings, or their own child.
Recipient: Makayla Rodriguez
Nomination Narrative: Makayla went above and beyond during this pandemic. When her guardians weren't able to work, she picked up shifts working 80+ hours a week at times. The entire time she also kept up with all of her school work and has continued to succeed.
(The intention of the Communities That Care Youth Recognition Award is to acknowledge youth for their contributions to community outside of just athletics and academics and instead focus on some of the ways they make the world better.)
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