Rawlings Museum in Las Animas Announces Summer Exhibit

Description: John Flinn was an influential southwest artist, Bent County native, and a veteran. (Flynn Self Sketch Pictured)

Published: 06/01/2021
Byline: Tomlin


By Kathleen Tomlin

June 1, 2021

Katheen Tomlin, Director, of the Rawlings Heritage Center & Museum, in Las Animas, has announced that the JOHN FLINN SUMMER EXHIBIT will be held this year. from June 12th through Labor Day Weekend.  The exhibit will be developed starting next week and they are asking the community to participate. Please loan us your Flinn prints, pictures, or memorabilia for this exhibit. 

Items may be dropped off at the Museum from now through June 8th.  John Flinn was an influential southwest artist, Bent County native, and a veteran.  John and Thelma (Weber) lived in Las Animas for many years.  John’s entire story was featured in Bent County Chronicle #41, on sale at the Museum. 

The Flinn family is helping us with the exhibit.  We are working on a date to have an old-fashioned tea to show off the exhibit sometime in July.  For more information, visit johnflinngallery.com.  If you have questions, contact the Museum at 719-456-6066. 

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