Pathway to Prosperity Real World Problem Scenarios Lunch and Learn

Description: June 9, 11:00-1:00 @ OJC, McBride Hall #137

Published: 06/07/2021
Byline: Hart

Pathway to Prosperity Real World Problem Scenarios Lunch and Learn
June 9, 11:00-1:00 @ OJC, McBride Hall #137
Real World Problem Scenarios are a creative way to bring relevance to the classroom. 
The Pathway to Prosperity Team will assist in partnering community leaders and businesses with 5th-12th grade educators who want to learn real world skills while solving real world problems. you find a community partner and assist you with the connection.  
Attending this lunch and learn does not commit you to a scenario but provides a time for you to learn more and to hear from a panel of past scenario participants. RWPS would not begin until September of 2021. If you want to know how you can connect to the schools and students in your community, plan to attend this lunch and learn. Please let us know if you will be eating lunch with us by registering at, RWPS - Introduction and Connection or contact Jennifer Nesselhuf @

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