Balicki Raises Flag Day in La Junta, In Need of Flags

Description: David Balicki, with Koshare Boy Scout Troupe 232 and Girls Troupe 122 was busy putting up flags for Flag Day at the break of dawn Monday morning.

Published: 06/14/2021
Byline: Hart

Balicki Raises Flag Day in La Junta

Balicki Raises Flag Day in La Junta David Balicki with the Koshare Museum puts up our American Flags in La Junta for holidays like Flag Day. He said usually he has a group of scouts help, but with it falling on a Monday he was in a hurry to get the flags up and to work on time.

Balicki said they are looking for 3×5 flag donations. If you have flags to donate they can be brought to the Koshare Museum in La Junta.

Balicki said, Koshare Summer Shows are underway, every Friday and Saturday Through June and July.

The public is encouraged to donate 3×5 American flags to the Koshare Museum, so they can keep the tradition alive in La Junta. 

La Junta American Legion Post 9 invites you to join them for a Flag Disposal Ceremony

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