Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in La Junta About to Glow Green
Description: The ChargePoint Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Located by Village Inn Will Glow Green After Dark, according to Subcontractors Working on the Project.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Install in La Junta
Lowe-North out of Springhill Kansas is installing ChargePoint Electric Vehicle charging stations just off of Hwy 50 in La Junta near Village Inn.
SECO News spoke with a subcontractor working on the project. Scott Baker took a moment to talk about the electric vehicle charging stations, which according to Baker are ChargePoint Stations.
Baker said that it was quite a ways between charging stations, and this will close the distance significantly.
The transformer and electrical box still have to be installed, which will be done in about two weeks, according to Baker.
This electric vehicle charging station is "still in the wrapper." According to Baker it will be fully functional in about two weeks and it's green lights should be visible on Hwy 50 at night.
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