Lamar School District Asking for Community Input on Savage Mascot Change

Description: Please join the Lamar School District Board of Education for a community forum on July 15th at 7:00 PM at the Lamar High School Auditorium to learn about and discuss Senate Bill 21-116 Concerning the Prohibition of American Indian Mascots in Colorado.

Published: 07/02/2021
Byline: Hart

Lamar School District Asking for Community Input on Savage Mascot Change

Please join the Lamar School District Board of Education for a community forum on July 15th at 7:00 PM at the Lamar High School Auditorium to learn about and discuss Senate Bill 21-116 Concerning the Prohibition of American Indian Mascots in Colorado. The bill was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis on June 28th. This law prohibits the use of American Indian mascots by public schools as of June 1, 2022.  The bill imposes a fine of $25,000 per month for each month that a school continues to use a mascot after such date, payable to the state education fund. 

This community forum is an opportunity to learn more about the law, the activities the Board of Education has engaged in over the last year and the steps the district will need to take over the next year. We are asking for your feedback and input.   To allow sufficient time for perspective from all community members interested in speaking, the board will limit comments to 3 minutes.  

Please share this meeting notice with others and we look forward to hearing from you.

Chad Krug 


Lamar School District Re-2

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