Otero County Commissioners Terminate Local Public Health and Economic Emergency

Description: During their regular public hearing on July 26th the Otero County Commissioners Unanimously Passed Resolution 2021-07.

Published: 07/26/2021
Byline: Hart

Otero County Commissioners Terminate Local Public Health and Economic Emergency

Otero County Commissioners Resolution 2021-07 SECO News seconews.org

Otero County Commissioners Resolution 2021-07 SECO News seconews.org

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Audio Transcript:

Commissioner Baldwin: Next we have resolution 2021-07 - Terminating the declaration of local public health and economic emergency. Amy if you would.

Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe: Be happy to, usually I read through the whole resolution would you like me to do that?

Baldwin: Just hit the high spots.

Tanabe: It is very simple. When the pandemic started and we had some events here in Otero County the commissioners voted to declare an economic and health emergency for Otero County. I'm very glad to say, I feel like they should jump up and down, now it's time to close that door, so we will officially declare that the emergency portion of that is over in Otero County and I'm thrilled that it is.

Oh my goodness, I think this is my favorite resolution of all.

Baldwin: Mine too.

Tanabe: How's that for a summary?

Baldwin: I like it.

Tanabe: And I would mark my attendance up there, but I'd like to go on record that Donna Rhode stole my pin and did not return it.

Baldwin: Did she?

Oquist: You can borrow mine.

Baldwin: She's good at that; she almost got away with it last week.

Okay, any questions on this resolution? Otherwise I'd entertain a motion then.

Commissioner Oquist: I move to approve resolution 2021-07 terminating the declaration of local public health and economic emergency.

Commissioner Hostetler: I'll second that one.

Baldwin: And I'll third it.

All: Yay!

Baldwin: Okay, we have a motion and a second and a third one, all those in favor say aye.

Hostetler: Aye.

Oquist: Aye.

Baldwin: Opposed? Motion carries.

Tanabe: You know how my brain works, I did think of something else I wanted to say for that resolution.

Just appreciation of the health department and all the work that they did throughout this, and of course, Social Services and Human Services had to change the way they did business and they still took care of it all.

I'm pretty proud of the staff of Otero County working through it.

Baldwin: Ditto.

Hostetler: We are fortunate to have them.

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