American Solar Challenge Principia College Interview at Bent's Old Fort

Description: A photo collage of the American Solar Challenge Checkpoint at Bents Old Fort National Historic Site.

Published: 08/05/2021
Byline: Hart

Upper Left: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Arrives in La Junta, Upper Right: Go fast helmet on the demonstration vehicle touring with the racers, Bottom Left: arriving late to the checkpoint means quick repairs, Right Center: Chris, the media spokesman and a driver for Principia College, Bottom Right: Minnesota University arrives first at the Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site Checkpoint on August 4th. (American Solar Challenge Arrives at Bent's Old Fort)

American Solar Challenge Principia College Interview at Bent's Old Fort

As Part of the Celebration of the Santa Fe Trail turning 200, the American Solar Challenge ran the historic route on their collegiate road rally competition. On August 5th the team made it to the check point at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site in La Junta, Colorado.

American Solar Challenge SA

The public was encouraged to attend the rare event that brought a large crowd to one of Southeast Colorado's most well known landmarks.

Principia College Media Intern Chris American Solar Challenge SECO News seconews.orgSECO News presents our interview with Principia College team member Chris, the team's media spokesman and a team driver.

Watch the Video Here:

SECO News: We're at the American Solar Challenge as it has landed right here in Southeast Colorado at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site. With me is Chris, he's a driver and the media spokesman for the team. Chris do you want to tell me a little bit about your team and your car.

Chris: Yes sir, I'm Chris from Principia College, we're just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri, and we're only a school of 400 undergraduate students. So we're only 400 students up against M.I.T., you can see around here, Appalachian State, it's kind of an underdog story. We are currently in second place in the single occupancy class behind M.I.T. University.

American Solar Challenge Bent's Old Fort Santa Fe Trail SECO NEWS seconews.orgSECO News: So, if there was a racecar class it would be the single occupancy, right?

American Solar Challenge Bent's Old Fort Santa Fe Trail SECO News

Chris: Oh absolutely, and you can see two of the multiple occupancies around here as well, there's Minnesota and Appalachian State. So, they're the top of the crop for that class, and we think that we're the top of the crop for the single occupancy class. 

SECO News: Alright, very good Chris, thank you for taking the time and that is just awesome that you guys are the top of the class and coming through Southeast Colorado and the crowd is huge, I'm going to pan and show everybody that there is a good crowd out here at Bent's Old Fort for the American Solar Challenge. It's all part of the 200th Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail and these guys are tearing it up with the latest technology right down the Santa Fe Trail. Anything you want to say in closing Chris? Do you want to say hi Mom?

Chris: Yeah, I'll say hi Mom on the Southeast Colorado News...but also we appreciate the La Junta local people coming out here and supporting us. We're feeling all the love every place that we stop on the way to Santa Fe. 

SECO News: All right, very good Chris. Thank you so much for your time.

Chris: Much appreciated.

SECO News: Let's Check out that car real quick...single occupancy...

They're spraying it down right now to keep the panels cool, believe it or not, they want to optimize their ability to make energy, so they don't want them too hot.

And these aren't like the solar panels you put on the roof of your house, they're not commercial grade, not made to withstand the weather for long.

American Solar Challenge Santa Fe Trail Association SECO News

It's the American Solar Challenge Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail, right here at Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site I'm Adrian Hart on

American Solar Challenge Santa Fe Trail Association Bent's Old Fort SECO News seconews.orgRead more about Principia College Team's experience in the American Solar Challenge Here:

Join SECO News on the Santa Fe Trail as we celebrate the Bicentennial Symposium September 24th - 26th.

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