Clean Valley Recycling August 28th Event Presented to Otero Commissioners

Description: Dee Hostetler with Clean Valley Recycling gave a presentation about their upcoming event to the Otero County Commissioners during their regular public meeting August 9th.

Published: 08/24/2021
Byline: Hart

Clean Valley Recycling Presentation to Otero County Commissioners

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Dee Hostetler with Clean Valley Recycling talks about the Recycling Event August 28th during the commissioner's meeting.

Dee Hostetler with Clean Valley Recycling: All electronics except for TV's will be free during this event, and paint is always free if you come to Swink we're also going to accept it at this time, and Tires. Sue Korbitz with the Otero County Health Department is arranging for tire recycling at the same time. So that is why I have Otero County at the bottom as a sponsor also for this event. Folks can bring  up to nine tires for free at this event. Truck and car tires no tractor tires.

So, we are going to have three locations, the Rocky Ford Fairgrounds, at our Swink Recycle Center, and at the recycle trailer at 3rd and Adams (in La Junta). 

Commissioner Rob Oquist: That's a great opportunity to get rid of a TV.

Commissioner John Hostetler: It sure is.

Hostetler: Yes.

Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe: And not in a bar ditch; our road and bridge guys would like us to say that over and over.

Hostetler: Yeah and I wish that we could accept them for free, but TV's are quite expensive. Smaller TV's If you have a really small CRTV it might be cheaper to just bring them to us in Swink on any day, but those big TV's they can cost you $40-$50 a piece, so bring them on this day. 

Paint includes oil based paint, latex paint, stains, varnishes as well. It does need to have the original label on it, and no leaky cans. 

Commissioner Hostetler: Thank you for doing this.

Commissioners Oquist: Yes.

Commissioner Hostetler: We appreciate it very much that helps the whole county thank you for cleaning all of this up. Does anybody have any questions? Okay, Thank you Dee.

Clean Valley Recycling Event August 28th

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