Otero County Commissioners August 24th Meeting (August 17th Minutes)

Description: The Otero County Commissioners held their regular public hearing, Monday August 24th.

The Otero County Commissioners Meeting August 24th (August 17th Minutes)
Meeting In Brief:
The Commissioners approved the August 17th minutes with minor corrections to an address.
Ken Hood presented the quarterly report for the County Assessors Office.
Hood said that due to covid they have moved abstract deadlines to October 13th, by December 1st they'll receive final certification of value.
Goodwin said, "The conservative decision is to use last year's numbers."
Hood reminded enteties to use their correct certification, not their preliminary certifications.
Hood spoke to the risk of losing funding because of commercial-residential assessment rates related to the Gallagher Amendment.
The Gallagher Amendment was enacted in 1982 and has been a longstanding issue of content regarding the way in which the amendment sets determining factors to property evaluations.
As the metro areas grows they adjust the residential/commercial differential to keep it at 45/55 percent.
Corrections to the Gallagher Amendment would sustain the same levels of value so revenues collected by the county would stay the same. Commissioner Goodwin said, the county could face losing up to $400,000 in revenues if values aren't stabilized. "There are goods and services that are at risk of not being provided," Goodwin said.
After discussing several ways to resolve the issue Hood said, "It's either pay now or pay later."
Resolution 2020-09 Telecommuting/Telework Policy - Passed.
County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe reported, "We've had some silver linings with covid, we have found some county staff who could benefit from continuing telecommuting after covid."
Goodwin said, it will open the door to accept the new generations of workers. Department heads would determine the level of participation.
RMMI Contract - Passed
According to White-Tanabe accounts payable could benefit from workflow optimization. A contract with Rocky Mountain Microfilm and Imaging LLC would automate work flow and provide digital signatures.
The county administrator is hoping it will be eligible for some covid funding as it would further mitigate spread of virus through limiting the passing of paperwork.
The Otero County Commissioners approved the contract with RMMI. The total cost of the contract is $115,637.50, which covers two projects including the Department of Human Services and the county administrative office, which in turn affects every county department.
Otero County Telecommuting/Teleworking Policy:
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