Rocky Ford 2nd Grade Class Quarantined Due To Positive COVID-19 Case
Description: Rocky Ford Schools Announced on Social Media that the 2nd Grade Class is Quarantined Until September 7th.
Dear Parents,
A student or staff member in Mrs. Marlow’s 2nd Grade class has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Each case of COVID-19 is reviewed by public health. As part of this public health investigation:
• The person diagnosed is being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious.
• The person’s activities when they could have spread COVID-19 were assessed.
• The people who were close contacts of the person with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home from school.
This is called quarantine. All of the students in Mrs. Marlow’s class have been identified as close contacts and have been asked to quarantine starting now (August 25) through September 6.
Washington Primary School will communicate directly with the parents of these students to manage the instructional services during the quarantine. Regular in-person instruction for Mrs. Marlow’s class will resume on Tuesday, September 7, following the Labor Day holiday.
If the quarantined children have siblings in other classes, they can still go to school unless they get sick or test positive for COVID-19.
During a quarantine, your child should stay home and not go to other schools, childcares, or activities around other people.
Instructions about how to quarantine are available here: If your child develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19:
• Follow these isolation instructions.
• Have your child tested.
• Continue to keep your child home from school and avoid other activities around other people.
• Notify the school.
• Seek medical care and testing for COVID-19, calling your doctor before you show up.
If you have further questions, please contact Washington Primary School, Rocky Ford School District, or Otero County Public Health.
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