Heather Broussard Named as Chinook Editor for 50th Edition
Description: Heather Broussard, Otero College sophomore, is the Chinook Editor for 2021-2022. The Chinook is in its 50th year of publication. The theme she chose is Chamber of Reflections.
Heather Broussard Named as Chinook Editor for 50th Edition
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE .............................. ....................... September 14, 2021
By: Sarah Petramala
LA JUNTA — Heather Broussard, sophomore at Otero College, has been selected as the editor of the Chinook, a literary compilation that highlights student and community writings and art. This year marks the 50th year of the Chinook publication.
Originally from Houston, Texas, Broussard graduated from Springwoods High School in 2012. She and her fiancé moved to La Junta a little over a year ago. She is a business major who plans to go into accounting. Once she has completed her associates, she plans to transfer to a four-year college to obtain a bachelor’s degree. In addition to numbers, Broussard also enjoys literature and getting in tune with her creative side.
The theme for this year’s Chinook, Chamber of Reflections, was chosen by Broussard. “I hope submitters can use this venue to help express themselves. Reflection is not limited to just yourself and your past experiences. The focus can be on an event, a thought, a feeling, or whatever moves you. There are no limitations. The 2022 Chinook theme provides a space where people can share their thoughts and ideas with their peers and their community,” she said.
Chinook, meaning warm wind, was introduced to the Otero campus by former professor, Dr. Tim Walsh who sponsored the publication for roughly twenty-five years. Department of Arts faculty member, Chris Stork, took on the role of sponsor in 2009. Chinook has supported hundreds of writers' voices through poetry, essays, short stories, and artwork. Submissions in each year's publishing are the works of students, people from the La Junta area, surrounding schools, businesses, and community members.
Any form of original creative writing or art may be submitted, including short stories and essays (1500 words or less), poetry (24 lines), artwork, and photographs. All submissions must be original and not previously published. Written works should be submitted in Microsoft Word.
The magazine is printed in color and offers a vivid showcase for artwork such as oil, pastel, watercolor, pencil sketch, graphic design, and photography. Visual arts pieces of work must be scanned and submitted as large, high-quality image in JPEG format.
Please include your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, Otero instructor or school (if not an Otero student), and a title for each work. Items without a title will not be considered. All writing and art submissions must be received by February 28, 2022 at midnight; no exceptions.
Email submissions can be sent to chinooksubmissions@gmail.com, or go to www.ojc.com/about/publications
For more information, call Chris Stork at 719-384-6847, or visit the website https://www.ojc.edu/about/
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