9/20/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Status...

Description: 9/20/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Status, Recommendations/Requirements

Published: 09/20/2021
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Monday 9/20/2021 at 1:25 p.m.


9/20/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1:  Rate Status, Recommendations/Requirements

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

  1. Current Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Rate Status

ü  One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate (per 100,000) Ranges

§ Green Level:  0-35

§ Blue Level:  36-100

§ Yellow Level:  101-300

§ Orange Level:  301-500

§ Red Level:  501+

ü  COVID-19 Dashboard:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Crowley County:  We currently have an active outbreak at Crowley County Junior/Senior High School.  You can access outbreak information here:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/outbreak-data  Crowley County has a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 281.83 (for the data period of 9/5/2021-9/18/2021), which is Yellow Level.  We have been in Yellow Level for 2 days (9/17/2021-9/18/2021) after spending 7 days in Blue Level (9/10/2021-9/16/2021).  Please do your part to help get our rate down!

ü  Otero County:  Otero’s rate continues in Yellow Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 207.87 (for the data period of 9/5/2021-9/18/2021).  Please do your part to help get our rate down!

  1. OCHD Local Public Health Recommendations

ü  Recommend universal indoor masking for all students, staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status and at all levels of community transmission per current CDPHE recommendations (Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates)

a.       At a minimum, OCHD strongly recommends unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated students and staff to wear a mask if they can medically tolerate it. 

b.      In addition to mask use reducing risk of transmission and exposure, unvaccinated students can also avoid quarantine following a typical classroom exposure if both the infected individual and the exposed student were correctly wearing masks (or participating in weekly screening testing).

ü  Seriously consider getting fully vaccinated if you have not already done so.

ü  If you are unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated, wear a mask when in public.

ü  Wear an appropriate mask when required to do so, even if you are fully vaccinated. 

ü  Review and follow the prevention guidelines found here:  Prevent the spread of COVID-19 | Colorado COVID-19 Updates 

ü  Perform a symptom check on yourself and your children before going out in public (i.e. work, school, the store, etc.)

a.       COVID-19 symptoms:  Do you have symptoms? | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

c.       Parents/guardians, do not send your kids to school if they are sick. 

ü  If you need to isolate (because you have tested positive and/or are symptomatic) or quarantine (because you have been exposed but are not symptomatic), here is the guidance:  Isolation & quarantine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.

a.       CDPHE:  People at higher risk for severe illness | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      CDC:  Do I need to Take Extra Precautions Against COVID-19 | CDC

  1. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Guidance and Requirements

ü  School Guidance:  Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Sixth (6th) Amended Public Health Order (PHO) 20-38 regarding face coverings, school case reporting, hospital reporting, etc. can be found online here:  (6th AMENDED PHO 20-38.83121.pdf - Google Drive)

ü  Residential Care Facility (RCF) Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance can be found here: RCF Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance.pdf - Google Drive)

ü  Colorado State Board of Health hospital and health care facilities COVID-19 vaccination requirements can be found online here: 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2 - Emergency Rulemaking Adopted Rules.pdf - Google Drive and here:  The Health Facilities Community Blog: Board of Health approves vaccine requirement for staff at health care facilities and hospitals

  1. Federal Public Transportation Mask Requirement:  Masking on school buses and other public transportation is required by Federal Order (Order: Wearing of face masks while on conveyances and at transportation hubs | Quarantine | CDC)

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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