Otero Commissioners Pass Resolution 2021-08 Concerning Mask & Vaccination Mandates
Description: Otero Commissioners Pass Resolution 2021-08 Concerning Mask & Vaccination Mandates at their public hearing September 27, 2021.
Otero Commissioners Pass Resolution 2021-08 Concerning Mask & Vaccination Mandates
During their regularly scheduled public hearing the Otero County Commissioners Unanimously passed a resolution regarding mask and vaccination mandates from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on Monday afternoon. The meeting was moved from the Otero Commissioners Meeting room in the Otero County Courthouse to the La Junta City Council Chambers to accommodate the large crowd that attended and participated during the audience participation portion of the meeting.
County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe read the resolution, Commissioner James Baldwin called for a motion, Commissioner Rob Oquist made a motion to accept the Resolution 2021-008, Commissioner John Hostetler seconded the motion, it was passed unanimously.
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