America Recycles Day is November 15th

Description: The Clean Valley Recycling Center in Swink is open all day on Wednesday and Saturday.

Published: 11/03/2021
Byline: Hart

America Recycles Day is November 15

Clean Valley Recycling takes this opportunity to remind us it is easy and important to recycle cardboard.

Cardboard is a valuable resource and Americans use a lot of it. Estimates are that more than 90% of products in the USA are shipped in corrugated cardboard boxes. The average American will use the equivalent of seven trees each year in paper and cardboard products. A cardboard box can be recycled into another cardboard box nine times!  There is no need to send cardboard to the landfill!

While recycling cardboard may seem like a challenge to individuals and businesses, it doesn’t have to be. Clean Valley Recycling provides several ways for you to recycle.  There is a public cardboard recycle bin at Associated Charities at 6th and Colorado.  The recycle trailer at 3rd and Adams is open Saturday mornings. The Swink recycling center is open all day Wednesday and Saturday. And most conveniently, you can sign up for curbside recycling pickup every other Tuesday.

Call us at 719-468-0254 to find out more information about cardboard recycling.  Or visit our website - and click on Curbside.

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