11/15/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Status, Vaccination Info, Amended CDPHE PHO, Holiday Prevention Guidance

Description: 11/15/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Status, Vaccination Info, Amended CDPHE PHO, Holiday Prevention Guidance...Complete Press Release with Attachments...

Published: 11/15/2021
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Monday 11/15/2021 at 12:57 p.m.


11/15/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1:  Rate Status; Vaccination Information; Amended CDPHE Public Health Orders; Holiday Prevention Guidance; Recommendations/Requirements

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

  1. Current Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Rate Status

ü  One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate (per 100,000) Ranges

§ Green Level:  0-35

§ Blue Level:  36-100

§ Yellow Level:  101-300

§ Orange Level:  301-500

§ Red Level:  501+

ü  COVID-19 Dashboard:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Crowley County:  Crowley’s rate is in Orange Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 376.39 (for the data period of 11/7/2021-11/13/2021). 

ü  Otero County:  Otero’s rate is in Red Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 717.58 (for the data period of 11/7/2021-11/13/2021). 

  1. Ages 5-11 Vaccinations:  On 11/2/2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gave a final approval for use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for 5-11 year olds.  Regarding this, you can read the CDC media release here:  CDC Recommends Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC  According to Dr. Rachel Herlihy, CDPHE State Epidemiologist, “Children are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, which we know from clinical trials is safe and highly effective at preventing severe COVID-19 in children. While children are less likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19 than adults, their cases account for a large proportion of cases right now, and they have the ability to spread the disease to their family members who may be at higher risk. Getting our children vaccinated now is an important thing we can all do before gathering with our families over the holidays”.  For more information on vaccines for children and teens please go here:  Vaccines for children and teens | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
  1. Mobile Vaccination Clinics

ü  For a list of mobile vaccination clinic locations and dates/times in Southeast Colorado, please go here:  Southeast, CO - Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Colorado (mobilevax.us)

ü  For general information on mobile vaccination clinics, please go here:  Mobile vaccination clinics | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

  1. OCHD Vaccination Appointments:  If you would like to make an appointment with the Otero County Health Department (OCHD) for a COVID-19 vaccination, please call Carolina Cortez at 719-468-8083.  You can also call your medical provider or local pharmacy regarding vaccine availability and scheduling. 
  1. Amended CDPHE Public Health Orders (PHO):  The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recently amended 2 PHOs, namely PHOs 20-38 and 21-01.  I have attached both amended PHOs (the first 2 attachments), and the third attachment is a CDPHE press release regarding the amended PHOs.   A summary of the changes to both PHOs is as follows:

ü  Ninth (9th) Amended PHO 20-38:  Limited COVID-19 Restrictions

§ Section I.A.1:  included public transit in list of settings requiring masks;

§ Section I.E.2:  effective November 19th, added vaccination requirement for public Indoor Events of 500+ people in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Jefferson counties, the city and county of Broomfield and the city and county of Denver; venues may accept a negative COVID-19 test in lieu of vaccination through November 30th; venues may submit a variance request, in a form and format as determined by CDPHE, if they have similarly protective disease prevention measures in place;

§ Section I.A.3:   strongly urged all counties and municipalities to implement vaccination requirements for private indoor events;

§ Section I.A.4:  strongly urged all counties and municipalities to implement vaccination requirements for all public indoor events;

§ Section I.A.5:  strongly urged all counties and municipalities to implement vaccination requirements for staff in residential settings such as jails and homeless shelters, and to require disclosure of vaccine status and serial testing for unvaccinated employees;

§ Section II.A.6:  clarified that reporting of vaccination status includes primary, additional, and booster doses;

§ Section III.A.2:  added that creation or use of fraudulent vaccination cards is illegal and subject to criminal sanctions;

§ Section IV.C:  added definition of Indoor Event; &

§ Section IV.D:  added definition of Negative COVID-19 Test.

ü  Third (3rd) Amended PHO 21-01:  Vaccine Access and Data Reporting

§ Section I.A:  clarified that vaccine providers must make vaccine registration services accessible for individuals with limited English proficiency as well as individuals with visual impairments; &

§ Section I.A.4:  clarified that in accordance with EO D 2021 137, vaccine providers must make vaccine available to any individual who meets the age and dose interval requirements for the COVID-19 vaccines approved by the FDA.

  1. Holiday Prevention Guidance:  The 4th attachment is a recent press release from CDPHE regarding ways to minimize COVID-19 transmission during the holidays.  You can also find this guidance here:  Guide to the fall and winter holidays | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
  1. OCHD Public Health Recommendations

a.       Recommend universal indoor masking for all students, staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status and at all levels of community transmission per current CDPHE recommendations (Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates)

ü  At a minimum, OCHD strongly recommends unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated students and staff to wear a mask if they can medically tolerate it. 

ü  In addition to mask use reducing risk of transmission and exposure, unvaccinated students can also avoid quarantine following a typical classroom exposure if both the infected individual and the exposed student were correctly wearing masks (or participating in weekly screening testing).

b.      Seriously consider getting fully vaccinated if you have not already done so.

c.       If you are unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated, wear a mask when in public.

d.      Wear an appropriate mask when required to do so, even if you are fully vaccinated. 

e.       Review and follow the prevention guidelines found here:  Prevent the spread of COVID-19 | Colorado COVID-19 Updates 

f.       Perform a symptom check on yourself and your children before going out in public (i.e. work, school, the store, etc.)

ü  COVID-19 symptoms:  Do you have symptoms? | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

ü  Parents/guardians, do not send your kids to school if they are sick. 

g.      If you need to isolate (because you have tested positive and/or are symptomatic) or quarantine (because you have been exposed but are not symptomatic), here is the guidance:  Isolation & quarantine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

h.      If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions (such as wearing a mask when in public places regardless of vaccination status). 

ü  CDPHE:  People at higher risk for severe illness | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  CDC:  Do I need to Take Extra Precautions Against COVID-19 | CDC

  1. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Guidance and Requirements

a.       School Guidance:  Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      Ninth (9th) Amended Public Health Order (PHO) 20-38 regarding face coverings, school case reporting, hospital reporting, etc. can be found online here:  9th AMENDED PHO 20-38.111421.pdf - Google Drive

c.       Third (3rd) Amended PHO 21-01 regarding Vaccine Access and Data Reporting:  3rd Amended PHO 21-01.111421.pdf - Google Drive

d.      Residential Care Facility (RCF) Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance can be found here: RCF Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance.pdf - Google Drive)

e.       Colorado State Board of Health hospital and health care facilities COVID-19 vaccination requirements can be found online here: 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2 - Emergency Rulemaking Adopted Rules.pdf - Google Drive and here:  The Health Facilities Community Blog: Board of Health approves vaccine requirement for staff at health care facilities and hospitals 

f.       “How Sick is Too Sick” Information:  ChildCare_How_Sick_Illness_Policy_vs2020.pdf - Google Drive

  1. Federal Guidance and Requirements

a.       Federal Public Transportation Mask Requirement:  Masking on school buses and other public transportation is required by Federal Order (Order: Wearing of face masks while on conveyances and at transportation hubs | Quarantine | CDC)

b.      CDC Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People:  Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People | CDC

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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9th AMENDED PHO 20-38

3rd Amended PHO 21-01

RCF Comprehensive Mitigation Guidance

6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2 - Emergency Rulemaking Adopted Rules


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