Veterans Honored in Las Animas
Description: Back row – Cathy Moore left and Kathy Hicks right. Front row - Joe Seamon on left and Wilford Tenorio on right receiving their Quilts of Valor.
Veterans Honored in Las Animas
By: Kathleen Tomlin
Las Animas, CO – November 15, 2021
Veterans Day started out crisp and chilly as almost 30 volunteers hung the Las Animas Avenue of Flags – Barb Martin, Senior Vice President, VFW Auxiliary #2411, led the group and they were hung in record time!
Many thanks to all who helped including the Fire Department, Police Department, Bent County Ambulance, Fort Lyon veterans, and many other dedicated volunteers.
Pam Valdez, Past District VFW District #6 President, organized a very special patriotic and meaningful Veterans Day Program at the Community Center – one to remember! Over 80 veterans of all ages, wars, and conflicts attended.
The gym was filled with families and spouses of veterans; veteran supporters, students from the Las Animas schools; home school students and visiting students from other schools.
The American Legion, Hospice, VFW Auxiliary and Bent County Service Officer had several tables of information including a Poppy Drive, membership information, Wreaths Across America, Vietnam veteran gifts, veterans sign-in Table, and a Missing Man Table set up by Sandy Milenski, VFW Auxiliary Trustee.
Kathleen Tomlin, Auxiliary President welcomed everyone and the LAHS students posted the colors. The National Anthem was sung by Amanda Vaugh, who did an outstanding job, and we all recited the pledge of allegiance.
Carlton McKay, Church of the Nazarene, provided the invocation. Kathleen then introduced special veteran guests, Rick Ward, Bent County Service Officer; Jesus Garcia, VFW District #6 Commander, Las Animas Post #2411 Commander, and Harold Fae Tomlin #6 DAV Commander; Richard Devlin, Dept. of Colorado American Legion Junior Vice Commander and Las Animas Post #6 American Legion Commander.
A special thanks was given to the Fort Lyon Veterans who were present and always willing to help us with the Avenue of Flags. Pam Valdez recited some interesting facts about Veterans Day history and then the Las Animas Elementary School 4th and 5th Grade Choir, directed by Sharon Bullock, sang “God Bless America.”
Pam also recognized all wars and conflicts and veterans of each were thanked for their service. As the Las Animas High School students marched in with the service flags, the veterans stood when their song was played by pianist Bonnie Ellis. Quilts of Valor were then presented by Kathy Moore and Kathy Hicks to Joe Seamon, WWII Veteran and Wilford Tenorio, Korean War veteran. They were presented with quilts made by Cathy Moore. This is our first official presentation, and we hope to continue this event for years to come. The Choir then sang “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. We then watched, “What is a Veteran” video, thanks to Matthew Lofdahl for the video presentation.
The choir sang “God Bless America” with the audience. Kathleen provided closing comments and reminded veterans to pick up a delicious to go meal provided by the Auxiliary, Steve Bourne, and Thaxton’s Market.
Veterans also received a goody bag provided by Health Mart; homemade cards for the veterans from Sarah Frausto’s Las Animas Elementary School Art Classes; and pens, calendars and flashlights provided by Frieda Alvarez. After the colors were posted, Kathleen dismissed everyone with God Bless our Veterans and God Bless America!
Many thanks to Kale Reyher and Lynette Wolfe for setting up and running the sound system; the Community Center After School Kids and LA Students for decoration and cards of “thanks,” and Mimi Marmon, After School Coordinator, and Michelle Conger, LAHS Art Teacher. We sincerely appreciate all those who helped in any way to provide this event, especially the staff at our beautiful Bent County Community Center.
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