11/29/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Update; State Monoclonal Antibody Standing Order
Description: 11/29/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Update; State Monoclonal Antibody Standing Order
The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Monday 11/29/2021 at 3:52 p.m.
11/29/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Rate Update; State Monoclonal Antibody Standing Order
Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.
Internet links: Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active. However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow. You may have to search around a bit.
- Current Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Rate Status
ü One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate (per 100,000) Ranges
§ Green Level: 0-35
§ Blue Level: 36-100
§ Yellow Level: 101-300
§ Orange Level: 301-500
§ Red Level: 501+
ü COVID-19 Dashboard: COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
ü Crowley County: Crowley’s rate is in Yellow Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 188.2 (for the data period of 11/21/2021-11/27/2021).
ü Otero County: Otero’s rate is in Orange Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 439.1 (for the data period of 11/21/2021-11/27/2021).
- State Monoclonal Antibody Standing Order: Colorado’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Eric France, recently signed a standing order to allow for eligible individuals to access monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments at state-run treatment sites without a health care provider’s referral and in accordance with established protocols. The standing order clears the way for self-scheduling options at state-run treatment sites. In this case, if the patient who is COVID-19 positive meets the eligibility criteria, the patient does not need a referral from a health care provider to access treatment at the state’s mobile monoclonal antibody treatment sites. Appointments are still required. Please see the attached Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) press release regarding this. OCHD is not a state-run treatment site, and we are not authorized to give mAb shots. Our current role is to find, obtain, and store available mAb, and then to supply it to our local healthcare providers.
Richard Ritter, Executive Director
Otero County Health Department
13 West 3rd Street, Room 111
La Junta, Colorado 81050
719-383-3045 (Office)
719-383-3060 (Fax)
CDPHE Press Release:
State issues standing health order to increase access to monoclonal antibody treatments across Colorado
STATEWIDE (Nov. 24, 2021) — Colorado’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Eric France, signed a standing order on Tuesday evening (November 23, 2021) to allow for eligible individuals to access monoclonal antibody treatments at state-run treatment sites without a referral and in accordance with established protocols. This is another step the state is taking to remove barriers to access and increase treatment options for COVID-19 patients as the current increase in cases continues to impact health care systems statewide.
In conjunction with Public Health Order 21-02, the standing order clears the way for self-scheduling options at state-run treatment sites. In this case, if the patient who is COVID-19 positive meets the eligibility criteria, the patient does not need a referral from a health care provider to access treatment at the state’s mobile monoclonal antibody treatment sites. Appointments are still required. Read more about COVID-19 treatments available in Colorado and how to get treatment at covid19.colorado.gov.
Standing orders are written medical protocols that authorize designated members of the health care team (e.g., nurses or medical assistants) to complete certain clinical tasks for individuals who meet the eligibility criteria without having to first obtain a physician order or authorization that is specific to an individual patient.
COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies can help prevent severe illness for some people who get infected with COVID-19. The FDA has authorized these neutralizing antibody treatments for emergency use. The treatments are available to people who have tested positive for COVID-19, have mild to moderate symptoms, and who are at high risk of developing severe illness (see the list of conditions that make a person eligible to receive antibody treatments). Monoclonal antibody treatments are not a substitute for vaccination.
Continue to stay up to date by visiting covid19.colorado.gov.
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