Christmas Fun at J.W. Rawlings Museum in Las Animas
Description: The Christmas Band, which was organized by bass player and soloist, Lynette Wolfe; Janet Ramey pianist; and Jimmy Atencio on the guitar, debuted at the J.W. Rawlings Heritage Center and Museum Christmas party.
By Kathleen Tomlin
December 12, 2021
Christmas at the Museum was celebrated this past Saturday with around 70 people attending. They enjoyed a Wendy’s chili lunch with lots of homemade goodies; taking pictures at the photo booth with Santa; making crafts; bidding on the silent auction; winning some drawings; buying goodies from the Art Guild; listening to the beautiful music of the first appearance of “The Christmas Band,” as I have named them; and just generally having a great time!
A highlight of the party was the Christmas Band, which was organized by bass player and soloist, Lynette Wolfe; Janet Ramey pianist; and Jimmy Atencio on the guitar.
Thanks to Wendy’s for a big discount on the chili and to our partners, the Bent County Art Guild for the many things they did such as providing food and hosting a craft corner for kids.
Thanks to Health Mart and LaVonne Garrison for providing awesome door prizes. Thanks to many others who donated their time, food, or silent auction items – we are grateful for your generosity.
Winners of door prizes were Alex Wesbrook (pictured); Eilene Von Nut; Santa; Lana Gardner; and Christine Ryder.
Silent auction items may be picked up on Tuesday, December 14th. Call the Museum if you have any questions at 456-6066.
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