Christmas Fun at J.W. Rawlings Museum in Las Animas

Description: The Christmas Band, which was organized by bass player and soloist, Lynette Wolfe; Janet Ramey pianist; and Jimmy Atencio on the guitar, debuted at the J.W. Rawlings Heritage Center and Museum Christmas party.

Published: 12/14/2021
Byline: Tomlin


By Kathleen Tomlin

December 12, 2021

    Christmas at the Museum was celebrated this past Saturday with around 70 people attending. They enjoyed a Wendy’s chili lunch with lots of homemade goodies; taking pictures at the photo booth with Santa; making crafts; bidding on the silent auction; winning some drawings; buying goodies from the Art Guild; listening to the beautiful music of the first appearance of “The Christmas Band,” as I have named them; and just generally having a great time! 

Christmas Fun at J.W. Rawlings Museum in Las Animas

A highlight of the party was the Christmas Band, which was organized by bass player and soloist, Lynette Wolfe; Janet Ramey pianist; and Jimmy Atencio on the guitar. 

Thanks to Wendy’s for a big discount on the chili and to our partners, the Bent County Art Guild for the many things they did such as providing food and hosting a craft corner for kids. 

Thanks to Health Mart and LaVonne Garrison for providing awesome door prizes.  Thanks to many others who donated their time, food, or silent auction items – we are grateful for your generosity. 

Christmas Fun at J.W. Rawlings Museum in Las Animas

Winners of door prizes were Alex Wesbrook (pictured); Eilene Von Nut; Santa; Lana Gardner; and Christine Ryder. 

Silent auction items may be picked up on Tuesday, December 14th.  Call the Museum if you have any questions at 456-6066.

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