Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter December 2021

Description: Members of the Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Celebrated Christmas together at their annual Christmas Party. (Photo Collage By: Karen Menges)

Published: 12/16/2021
Byline: Hart

Up-Coming Events FOR 2022

Jan. 4th – Tuesday – La Junta 7:00p.m.

Car Club Meeting and Men’s Toy Show at the La Junta Christian Church, 5th and Santa Fe Avenue

It’s time to renew memberships $20.00

Make check out to:

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club

We take cash too! Give dues to Carol Allen,

PO Box 64, Sugar City, CO 81076-0064

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club 2021 Officers and Board

By Karen Menges

Minute by minute

It’s Christmas Time! And 47 members and 3 guests (Phil Youngblood, Ali Ricken and Peggy Steck) attended the annual SCAVC Christmas dinner and gift exchange held on the evening of December 7th at the La Junta Senior Center. Rethabel Huff gave the blessing before everyone sat down to a delicious buffet style roast beef dinner catered by Caitlin Hanagan “Almost Home Cooking”. Christmas was in the air as music played and everyone enjoyed visiting with each other AND anticipating (like little kids) the gift exchange!

At 6:56pm Alvin Grim called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. James Huff amended the minutes to read that the VFW dinner was quoted at $15.00 per plate plus $3.00 tip plus tax. Motion was made to accept and seconded by Bill Allen. Motion passed. Carol Allen gave the treasurers report; Leonard Walgren motioned to accept as reported with a second from Karen Donkle. Motion passed.

James Huff Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Parade of Lights SECO News

OLD BUSINESS- James Huff seemed to be the only entry in the La Junta Parade of Lights with his lit up ’51 Ford Rat Rod. Saturday December 11th is the Rocky Ford Parade of Lights at 5:00p.m.

NEW BUSINESS – It was brought to Karen Menges’ attention that maybe in the future instead of Christmas gift exchange that maybe the club could donate to a charity. Vickie Marquez brought up that maybe a toy drive or a canned food collection. Jimmie Martinez thought the club enjoys the gift exchange, so keep that going but also think about the toy and food idea starting next year maybe in November at the Chili/soup supper. Even change donating to a different group every year. Elaine McIntyre suggested a food drive per quarter maybe bring it up in February. The new ideas were tabled at this time.

***Remember the January meeting will be the Men’s Toy Show Only*** For the new members – Men have collections of toys just like women have a collection of shoes and purses. Ha ha Some of our men have old vintage metal cars and trucks, some collect Roy Roger memorabilia, others have trucks made by their grandfather or a relative and handed down to them. These are just some items that have been displayed at the Men’s Toy Show. So come on guys bring your prize possessions. Women, we will have our turn in March to show off our crafts/hobbies!

Larry Miller wanted everyone to know that his sister Marilyn Mast long time member will have graveside service at 2:00p.m. on Friday December 10th at the Fairview cemetery.

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Marilyn's Thunderbird

Marilyn L. Mast Obituary

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Hard Luck Award Kenny PearsonCarol Allen nominated Kenny Pearson for the Hard Luck Trophy and seconded by Rethabel Huff.

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club At this time out-going President Alvin Grim introduced and handed over the gavel to Greg Holt as the clubs’ new President for 2022. Before Santa made his appearance Karen Menges had a silent auction with a variety of die cast cars, trucks, gas pumps, etc. going on to help an unfortunate young man dealing with cancer. Meeting was adjourned at 7:25p.m. The White Elephant Gift Exchange Began!!

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