Otero County Commissioners 2/14/22 Highlight Video

Description: Hit play to watch the Highlight Reel. Article includes: Agenda, Consensus Items, County Tax Report, and other documents from the public meeting held February 14, 2022 in La Junta, Colorado.

Published: 02/17/2022
Byline: Hart

Otero County Commissioners 2/14/22 Highlights

1) Consensus Items were approved, the following is an excerpt from the meeting agenda.

(Documentation on each consent item is included in the document gallery.)

2) After discussion with Otero County Clerk and Recorder Lynda Scott, the Commissioners unanimously voted to accept resolution 2022-04, establishing voting precincts. (attached in document gallery)

3) Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe presented an annual contract with Clean Valley Recycling for recycling services for the county, which was unanimously approved. (attached in document gallery)

4) The Otero County Public Trustee's report was accepted by the Commissioners. (attached in document gallery)

5) Dennis Smith announced his retirement as Public Trustee. Smith is likely to be the longest serving public trustee in the state of Colorado. 

Otero County Sales Tax Graph

6) Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe presented the county sales tax report. She said, the total sales tax for Otero County for 2021 was 2.5 million dollars and the projected revenue was only 1.5 million.

7) Otero County Clerk Lynda Scott reported that the Republican Caucus is scheduled for March 1st, and the Democratic Caucus is scheduled on March 5th, but will be held virtually.

8) Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe reported on progress on the American Rescue Act grant funds, which total 3.5 million for Otero County. 

9) White-Tanabe reported that Otero County saw a 34 percent increase in their liability insurance premiums.

10) White-Tanabe reported that Otero County applied for a grant with Colorado Parks and Wildlife that would pay for a feasibility study to determine if it would be possible to add a hiking trail from the Oxbow Wildlife Area to Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site. She said the grant total was $45,000, and one goal is to add a foot bridge to give people access from US Hwy 50. Learn more about the Oxbow Wildlife Area here: About The Valley: Colorado Parks and Wildlife Oxbow Wildlife Area

11) Commissioner Rob Oquist reported that he toured the magistrate courtroom construction project and he said that it is, "really looking nice." Further he reported that he has attended meetings on the new jail planning and they are considering where it should be located as well as the building layout. 

State and County Offices and the Otero County Landfill will be closed on Monday February 21, in observance of President's Day.

Document Gallery Viewing Tips:

Click or tap the first image to magnify the agenda, then click or tap the right side of the image to flip to the next image.

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