District V LDE FFA Competition Results, Hosted by Otero College Ag Program

Description: Rocky Ford FFA Chapter had 11 students compete at the District V FFA LDE contest at Otero College. Member Alyssa Hancock won the prepared speech contest on her topic of - 30 by 30 - Land Grab. She will represent the district at the state contest in June.

Published: 02/18/2022
Byline: Hart

Otero College FFA District Fowler SchoolsThe Fowler FFA Chapter had 18 students compete at the District V FFA LDE contest at Otero College. The parliamentary procedure and conduct of chapter teams both placed first and get to advance to the state contest in June.

FFA Competition Hosted by Otero College Ag Program

By: Sarah Petramala

LA JUNTA — Last Tuesday, Feb. 15, the Otero College Agriculture Program hosted the District V FFA Leadership Development Events on campus. There was a total of 88 students representing ten school districts across southeast and southcentral Colorado. The students competed in several leadership development events to earn a spot to compete at the state event in June.

The ten schools that participated were, Aguilar, Cheraw, Crowley County, Custer County, Florence, Fowler, Hoehne, Rocky Ford, Rye, and Swink. There were six events held, three for individual students and three that were for the chapter (team) competitions.

According to Brooke Matthew, Otero Ag Faculty, “It was great to see these talented young adults have such passion and energy for agriculture. Events, programs and students like those competing Tuesday reassures me that the future is bright for Agriculture.”

The results of the three chapter events are as follows:

Quiz Bowl

1st - Rye

2nd - Aguilar

Parliamentary Procedure

1st - Fowler

2nd - Crowley County

Conduct of Chapter Meeting

1st - Fowler

2nd - Florence

Individual student results:

Prepared Speech Contest:

1st - Alyssa Hancock, Rocky Ford, “30 by 30 Land Grab”

2nd - Chrisily Furia, Hoehne, “Grey Wolf”

3rd - Ava Hale, Florence, “Mental Health: Veterinarians in Ag”

4th - Rayana Hawks, Crowley County, “Mental Health in American Farmers”

5th - Haley Scofield, Swink, “Overtime Requirements for Ag Workers”

6th - Harrison Proctor, Fowler, “Farmers Can't Afford to Pay the Price”

7th - Marlee Foster, Custer County, “FFA”

8th – Abby Provost, Cheraw, “Agriculture with Limits”

Extemporaneous Speech Contest

1st - Carli Carter, Crowley County

2nd - Bryan Williams, Hoehne

3rd - Taylor Bennett, Fowler

4th - Ben Stafford, Custer County

5th - Corey Zimmerman, Rocky Ford

6th - Emma Hanagan, Swink

7th - Kaiya Smotherman, Florence

8th - Zeb Laca, Rye

Creed Contest

1st - Addy Yeager, Florence

2nd - Kassidy Larson, Hoehne

3rd - Lacie Laca, Rye

4th - Madison Marsh, Fowler

5th - Chris Mullet, Custer County

6th - Ashlynn Hancock, Rocky Ford

7th - Ashlyn Berg, Crowley County

8th - Marianna DeLaCruz, Aguilar

9th - Luke Hanagan, Swink

10th - Kari Marquez, Cheraw

These events were created to help students develop critical thinking skills as well as hone their decision-making skills. According to the national FFA website, the Career and Leadership Development Events foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement. For more information about FFA visit the National FFA Website at www.ffa.org or your local school district.

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