3/10/2022 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Weekly Update
Description: 3/10/2022 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Weekly Update
The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Thursday 3/10/2022 at 12:47 p.m.
3/10/2022 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Weekly Update
Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.
Internet links: Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active. However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow. You may have to search around a bit.
Please find this week’s COVID-19 updates below.
- Current Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Status
a. One Week Cumulative Incidence Rate (per 100,000) Ranges
ü Green Level: 0-35
ü Blue Level: 36-100
ü Yellow Level: 101-300
ü Orange Level: 301-500
ü Red Level: 501+
b. COVID-19 Dashboard: COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
c. COVID-19 Data: COVID-19 data | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
d. Crowley County:
ü Rate: Crowley’s rate is in Green Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of ZERO.
ü Total COVID-19 Related Deaths: 28
§ Change from the last weekly update: No additional deaths.
e. Otero County:
ü Rate: Otero’s rate is in Green Level with a current 1 week cumulative incidence rate of 16.1.
ü Total COVID-19 Related Deaths: 125
§ Change from the last weekly update: No additional deaths.
- Regular Weekly Updates Ending: This will be the final, regular weekly COVID-19 email update unless the situation dictates otherwise. I will email new updates on an as needed basis. You can stay up to date on the COVID-19 situation by accessing the websites listed below:
a. Local: My previous updates have topic-specific websites listed on them, and those previous updates can be found here: COVID-19 Updates | Otero County (colorado.gov)
b. State: Home | Department of Public Health & Environment (colorado.gov)
c. National: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (cdc.gov)
d. Global: WHO | World Health Organization
- CDPHE Spanish Language COVID-19 Website: Home- Español | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
- Ayuda En Espanol (Spanish Language Assistance): Para ayuda en Espanol, habla con Debbie Jaramillo en 719-383-3040 por favor (For help in Spanish, please call Debbie Jaramillo at 719-383-3040).
- Mask Information
a. Locations where masks are given to the public for free: Where to get free KN95 and surgical grade masks | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
b. Guidance for wearing masks: Guidance for wearing masks | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
- Testing Information
a. Free Community Testing: Our local testing schedule is as follows until further notice:
ü Location: Otero College
§ Address: 1802 Colorado Avenue, McDivitt Gym, La Junta
§ Date: Wednesdays
§ Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm
ü Location: Crowley County Nursing Center
§ Address: 401 Idaho, Ordway
§ Date: Fridays
§ Time: 9:00am-11:00am
ü Location: Rocky Ford Public Safety Building
§ Address: 300 South Main Street, Rocky Ford
§ Date: Fridays
§ Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm
b. State-wide Testing Information: CDPHE Test Sites Portal (colorado.gov)
- Vaccination Information
a. OCHD Vaccination Appointments: If you would like to make an appointment with OCHD for a COVID-19 vaccination, please call Carolina Cortez at 719-468-8083.
b. Vaccination Providers in Crowley, Otero, and Across Colorado: Find out where you can get vaccinated | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
c. Ayuda En Espanol (Spanish Language Assistance): Para ayuda en Espanol, habla con Debbie Jaramillo en 719-383-3040 por favor (For help in Spanish, please call Debbie Jaramillo at 719-383-3040).
d. Vaccines for Children and Teens: Vaccines for children and teens | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
e. Booster Dose Recommendations: Find out when you need a third (booster) dose of a COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
f. Mobile Vaccination Clinics
ü For a list of mobile vaccination clinic locations and dates/times in Southeast Colorado, please go here: Southeast, CO - Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Colorado (mobilevax.us)
ü For general information on mobile vaccination clinics, please go here: Mobile vaccination clinics | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
g. Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Website: COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
- Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Information
a. CDPHE: COVID-19 treatments | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
b. mAb Colorado: www.mAbColorado.org
- Public Health Recommendations/Guidance:
a. Colorado’s Next Chapter: Our Roadmap to Moving Forward
ü If you are fully vaccinated and up to date with all three doses, you should feel comfortable living life as normal;
ü If you are vaccinated, but immunocompromised or high-risk, take necessary steps to protect yourself and proactively speak with a health care provider about a potential fourth dose of the vaccine, preventive treatment options, and what to do if you test positive;
ü If you are not fully vaccinated, get fully vaccinated with three doses as you are still at risk of contracting severe disease even with the emergence of variants that cause less severe disease in fully vaccinated people.
ü More detailed information can be accessed here: Colorado's Next Chapter Roadmap Forward 2.25.22.pdf - Google Drive
b. Schools
ü Practical Guide for Operationalizing CDC’s School Guidance | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
ü ChildCare_How_Sick_Illness_
c. Isolation/quarantine: Isolation & quarantine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
d. Prevention: Prevent the spread of COVID-19 | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
e. High risk groups
ü CDPHE: People at higher risk for severe illness | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
ü CDC: Do I need to Take Extra Precautions Against COVID-19 | CDC
- State Public Health Orders (PHO)
a. Public Health and Executive Orders website: Public health & executive orders | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
b. Thirteenth (13th) Amended PHO 20-38 regarding face coverings, school case reporting, hospital reporting, etc. can be found online here: 13th AMENDED PHO 20-38.022822.pdf - Google Drive
c. Eighth (8th) Amended PHO 20-20 regarding requirements for congregate care facilities: PHO 20-20.8thAmended.92821.pdf - Google Drive
Richard Ritter, Executive Director
Otero County Health Department
13 West 3rd Street, Room 111
La Junta, Colorado 81050
719-383-3045 (Office)
719-383-3060 (Fax)
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