VA Conducted Market Assessments Released 3/14/22
Description: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Deputy Public Affairs Officer for the VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System wanted us to clarify the following information...
Letter from Dustin W. Senger - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Deputy Public Affairs Officer, VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System,
When Congress passed the MISSION Act in 2018, it required that VA undertake AIR – an initiative to study the current and future health care needs of Veterans across America, and to evaluate VA’s health care infrastructure to ensure VA is ready and able to continue to provide Veterans with world-class access and outcomes.
VA conducted market assessments – studies of every VA market across the country designed to understand the makeup of our Veterans by health care needs, age, race, gender, era they served, and where they live. VA used those market assessments to inform recommendations for the future of VA’s health care infrastructure. The Secretary announced the recommendations on March 14, and they are available at
The VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System director started informing stakeholders March 2, ahead of publication. His discussion in La Junta was an example of him engaging with local community leaders, Veteran organizations and community providers, letting them know what to look out for. You’ll find the VA’s recommendations for our health care system on pages 45-57 here: VISN19-Market-Recommendation.
At this point, the AIR Commission (a bipartisan, presidentially appointed and congressionally approved group), the President and congress will review those recommendations and determine whether or not they will be accepted and implemented.
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