Flag Retirement Ceremony & Freedom Cruise in Las Animas
Description: Doug and Missy Ricken led a Freedom Cruise from the VFW Post in Las Animas to Fort Lyon Coalition west parking lot with all the service flags, the POW/MIA flag, and the USA flag flying proudly around the bed of the Rickens old Dairy Truck.
Flag Retirement Ceremony & Freedom Cruise in Las Animas
March 21, 2022
By Kathleen Tomlin
The VFW #2411 Post and Auxiliary hosted a Freedom Cruise and a Flag Retirement Ceremony for the community last Friday at Fort Lyon Colorado Homeless Coalition. The Fort Lyon veterans extended an invitation to the community to hold the ceremony there.
It was a beautiful day, although a bit breezy. Doug and Missy Ricken led a Freedom Cruise from the VFW Post in Las Animas to Fort Lyon Coalition west parking lot. It was quite moving to see all the service flags, the POW/MIA flag, and the USA flag flying proudly around the bed of the Ricken’s old Dairy Truck. Jess Garcia, Commander, VFW, welcomed everyone, and the colors were posted by the VFW Post #2411 Honor Guard. We recited the pledge of allegiance, led by Pat Gonzales, Auxiliary Chaplain. Missy Ricken then led us in the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner,” and we celebrated National Anthem Day which was held on March 3rd.
Pat Gonzales then offered a prayer. Pam Valdez, Auxiliary Past District President, recited the “Flag Folding Script” and the Fort Lyon veterans and community members present were reminded of the proper way to fold flags and what it means. Kathleen Tomlin, President, Auxiliary, reminded us that, “No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the USA; when it is in such a condition that it is no long a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” We then saluted and placed our hands over our heart while the red, white, and blue field were burned. The Colors were retired, and we then proceeded to burn 50 flags.
Steve Bourne managed the fire, and the entire ceremony was very memorable and respectful. Thanks to the 25 people or so that took time out of their day to attend and help respect our flags. God Bless our veterans and God Bless America!
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