Vietnam Veteran Day March 29, 2022 at VFW Post #2411

Description: Veterans are encouraged to attend - Coffee and Donuts will be served. Learn about the future of our local VA Clinics and about what we must do to keep them in the valley.

Published: 03/24/2022
Byline: Tomlin

Vietnam Veteran Day March 29, 2022 at VFW Post #2411

To register for VA Healthcare the veteran needs:

VA registration packet:  A copy of their DD214

Depending on the Era they served... After September 1980 they had to have served 24 consecutive months and they have to meet the means test.

Before September 1980 they are eligible but has to pass the means test. 

Pick up a packet Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM at any VA Clinic 

NATIONAL GUARD is eligible if called to active duty only. BUT... National Guard is eligible to apply for disability benefits if injured while on drill. Example... They were in an artillery unit and have hearing loss

All VSO's should also have this information. The VSO should also have the VA Healthcare Registration packets.

Questions?  Call Vicki at VA Clinic in La Junta - 719-383-5195

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