Controlled Burn Starts Brush Fire in Canal on Hwy 194 on 4/19/22

Description: LJFD, LAFD, and Otero Sheriff Responded to a brush fire on the Otero/Bent County Line on Tuesday afternoon. According to Fire Chief Brad Davidson the cause was an agricultural burn that got out of control.

Published: 04/19/2022
Byline: Hart

"Controlled Burn" Starts Another Fire along the canal on Hwy 194 on 4/19/22

April 19, 2022, multiple Southeast Colorado Agencies Responded to an out of control agricultural burn during a Red Flag Warning. Meaning conditions are dry and windy and a fire is likely to spread. Burning during a Red Flag Warning is a finable offense, according to Otero County Sheriff Shawn Mobley.

According to officials on scene the fire had started in Otero County and crossed over into Bent County. This fire was just around the bend from the Bent’s Fort Wildfire that burned over 1,600 acres last week.

Sheriff Mobley said at the same time as this fire there was an agricultural burn near Fowler that units were also responding to.

Officials from both counties expressed concerns for a recent disregard of Red Flag Warnings.

Thanks to a mutual aide agreement, Otero County supplied a brush truck to help Las Animas/Bent County Fire Fighters fight the fire.

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