Lions Roar for Matt Harris of Swink - Special Olympics and Community Champion!

Description: Matt Harris of Swink Wins 800M at Special Olympics Colorado SE Regionals, takes 2nd place in Running Long Jump + Shot Put on May 14, 2022.

Published: 05/19/2022
Byline: Hart

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Lions Roar for Matt Harris of Swink - Special Olympics and Community Champion! 

The Lions roared for Matt Harris as he competed at the Special Olympics Colorado 2022 Southeast Regional Track and Field Meet on Saturday May 14 at the Guy Barickman Stadium in Fountain-Fort Carson.

Swink Track Coach Jen Garcia and Bus Driver Aaron Torres brought a group of Swink students to cheer for Matt as he competed at regionals at Fountain-Fort Carson High School. Matt competed in the Men's 800M Run, the Shot Put, and the Running Long Jump in this Special Olympics Colorado event.

When asked to describe Matt's impact on their Track Team, the group of students said he helps manage the different sports teams as the seasons change, including helping with basketball and volleyball.

This season Matt practiced with the Junior High and High School teams in addition to helping manage.

Swink Senior Jed Garcia said, "It makes me feel really good that Matt gets to be there and he gets to work out with us... You always know that you're going to have somebody cheering you on... I really appreciate it, I'm glad that I've gotten to have him the last couple years in track."

Adalynn Hart said, "He's always there. He's always cheering for you, and you can always hear him no matter how loud it is, he's louder than everybody."

Lindsey Briscoe said, "I never realized how big of an impact he has on the team, like making sure we have the med bag, making sure everybody's okay, making sure the events are all in order, making sure even everybody's at track practice." She said he does so much for the team and it shouldn't go unnoticed. 

Charlotte Heberlie said, "I have Matt for more than just track, I have him for both basketball and volleyball and it's great because he does so much for us. I can always hear Matt, he is so amazing. Even when I'm at High jump he always makes sure I have my tape, I get my mark, and he tells me exactly what I need to fix to get my next height and when we're at throwing practice he makes sure we get what we need."

Tatiyn Willsey said, "Matt does a lot, and to realize that, yesterday when Matt wasn't there, it was really weird and it really showed. He's always there to hype you up and it really helps."

Matt out paced the competition by a wide margin in the 800M Run.

Matt came very close to winning the shot put with a throw of ten meters, only falling two inches short of the winning throw.

Matt nailed his running long jump attempts and pulled off second place in the event.

Watch The Interview, Event Videos, and Slideshow Here:

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