OJC Awards AVF Round Robin Showmanship Scholarship

Description: Cameron Frantz Receives Arkansas Valley Fair Round Robin Showmanship Scholarship.

Published: 10/08/2020
Byline: Hart

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ............................................................. October 7, 2020

OJC Round Robin Scholarship seconews.org Photo Caption: Otero Junior College Agriculture Instructor, Brooke Matthew, presents Cameron Frantz, Rocky Ford, with the Arkansas Valley Fair Senior Round Robin Showmanship Scholarship. This scholarship is worth $500 toward educational costs at OJC.

Cameron Frantz OJC Scholarship Winner

LA JUNTA — The Arkansas Valley Fair Senior Round Robin Showmanship Scholarship, sponsored by Otero Junior College, chooses one recipient per year for this $500 scholarship. This year, Cameron Frantz was selected as the recipient.

Cameron Frantz, from Rocky Ford, is a first-year student at OJC majoring in Animal Science and minoring in Ag Business. Frantz is a nine-year member in 4-H and completed his fourth year of FFA. Additionally, he won the Grand Champion Sr. Beef Showman at the 2020 Arkansas Valley Fair.

In a year with many adjustments, the Arkansas Valley Fair Senior Round Robin was not any different. The competition was canceled due to schedule adjustments in the livestock shows; however, OJC still wanted to be able to recognize and offer the winner of the Senior Round Robin a scholarship. The method changed to an application process for those who would have been in the competition.

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must have won the senior showmanship at the 2020 Arkansas Valley Fair in one of the following species: Beef, Sheep, Goats, Swine, Dairy, or Horse. The applicants also had to write a 500-word essay describing their involvement in 4-H or FFA and how it has prepared them for their future aspirations in agriculture.

Frantz stated, “Many people would say that we, as agriculturalists are the last of a dying breed. This is exactly why I am glad that I found my own voice through 4-H and FFA. My main aspiration is to see the agriculture industry receive the true recognition it deserves.”

For more information about the OJC Ag Program go to www.ojc.edu and search agriculture or contact Brooke Matthew at 719-384-6964 or brooke.matthew@ojc.edu.

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