Otero County Foster Care Book Drive Ends Aug 15, 2022

Description: Your donation or purchase will be matched 50% by Usborne Books & More. Any amount is so greatly appreciated and will help donate books to the kiddo's in Otero County Foster Care program!

Published: 08/03/2022
Byline: SECO News

Otero County Foster Care Book Drive Ends Aug 15, 2022

My name is Amanda Turner and I am a consultant with Usborne Books & More. I am passionate about getting books into the hands of kids because I know the difference they can have in a child's life.

For TWO WEEKS only, I am leading a book drive for kiddos in the Otero County Foster Care. ENDS 8/15/22

When I reached out to Otero County Foster care they were thrilled to have a book drive and said they are very much in need of books for children of ALL ages from babies all the up to teens. These books will be distributed to kiddos throughout the program. We are very excited to provide a little sunshine, magic and some joy to these children who have already been through so much. Let's bring a smile to their faces!

Our goal is to raise $800 in funds, (but any amount is appreciated!) which can purchase $1200 in books! Can you help?


Send a donation to paypal here:

paypal.me/sewsweetforJesus, or scan QR codes

Place your own order for books here: https://b13193.myubam.com/2418572

Your donation or purchase will be matched 50% by Usborne Books & More. Any amount is so greatly appreciated and will help donate books to the kiddo's in Otero County Foster Care program!

"We promise as caseworkers to: advocate for families and children, treat clients with respect, listen to client concerns, take information accurately, communicate openly and honestly with all, provide services to the best of our ability, respond in a timely manner, stay current in our knowledge of best practice to provide the best service, engage to the best of our ability, hold confidence personal information and value our clients."


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