COLORADO School Safety Resource Center

Description: The Colorado School Safety Re- source Center is available to provide no-cost trainings, consultations, resources and technical assistance to all schools in Colorado at your request.

Published: 08/04/2022
Byline: SECO News

COLORADO School Safety Resource Center

Department of Public Safety

The Colorado School Safety Re- source Center is available to provide no-cost trainings, consultations, resources and technical assistance to all schools in Colorado at your request.

Our work is based on the U.S. Department of Education's Five Preparedness Missions:

Prevention, Mitigation, Protection, Response and Recovery.

Resources are available on our website at:

or by calling us at 303.239.4435

Safe to Tell. Make a Call. Make a Difference.


Positive School Climate

Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Cyberbullying for School Staff

Sexting for School Staff

Behavioral Health Supports

Five Preparedness Missions

Trainings Presented at No-Cost Throughout the State:

Emergency and Crisis Management

Emergency Planning for Schools

Implementing Incident Command System

and National Incident Management in Schools

Planning and Conducting Tabletop Drills

Threat Assessment in Schools

Crisis Preparedness and Intervention

Before During

Student Safety

Adult Sexual Misconduct in Schools: Prevention and Management

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention for School Staff

Psychological Challenges of Youth for Staff

Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention

Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms

Secondary Traumatic Stress

an incident or emergency


After Consultations and Technical Assistance Available at No-Cost Throughout the State:

Updating a Comprehensive School Safety Plan

Conducting Tabletop Drills

Strategies for Creating a Positive School Climate

Developing School Crisis Teams

Selecting Evidence-Based Programs


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