Birth Announcement Bexley Bae Sires
Description: We welcome Bexley Bae Sires to the Southeast Colorado Community... Congratulations to her parents, family, and loved ones...
Birth Announcement Bexley Bae Sires
Mariah Noel Perkins and Cade Walker Sires of Wiley, Colorado are excited to announce the birth of their Daughter, Bexley Bae Sires, on July 26, 2022 at 6:53 am. Weighing 6 lbs. 12.4 oz. and measuring 19 1/4 inches long, Bexley was delivered by Dr. Stacey Rittmueler at the Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center in La Junta, Colorado.
Her Grandparents Venora and Jim Perkins of Wiley, Colorado and Tammy and Danny Sharpe of Walsh, Colorado await her arrival at home.
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