TCFCC LEGO “Building Trust Contest” at the Arkansas Valley Fair

Description: The Tri-County Family Care Center encourages you to join them for the 21st annual Building Trust Contest with LEGOs at the Arkansas Valley Fair August 21st, 2022.

TCFCC LEGO “Building Trust Contest” at the Arkansas Valley Fair
Tri-County Family Care Center will sponsor their 21st annual “Building Trust” contest with LEGO kits on Sunday, August 21st, 2022, 12:30 p.m. in the BINGO building, at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds. We use LEGO kits, which will be provided free of charge for the participants to keep. This activity encourages parents or other adult sponsors to interact and be involved with youth.
Each team will include one child and one parent or adult sponsor. The concept of the activity is to illustrate good communication skills and to build trust between the team members.
There will be a Junior Division (ages 5-8); an Intermediate Division (ages 9-12); and a Senior Division (ages 13-17). Each age category will be given a certain amount of time to build the kit.
The adult will instruct the child on how to build that particular kit, without the child seeing the picture or reading the instructions. Each team will be judged according to how well they communicate and how much of the kit is completed during the time allowed. For the Senior Division (13-17), the roles will be reversed by letting the child read the instructions to guide the adult on how to put the kit together.
Trophies for first, second and third places will be given for each age category and each team will receive a participation ribbon. Each child participant will be able to enter a drawing for a grand prize, which is a LEGO John Deere 4WD Tractor donated by 4Rivers Equipment.
A special category has been made for a man and woman couple to compete against other couples. They may choose who will build the kit and who will be instructing.
To pre-register, please come by Tri-County Family Care Center, 512 ½ North Main, Rocky Ford to pick up a form or you can register at our booth at the Fair. Pre-registration is advised because of a limited number of LEGO kits. The kits were made available from various funding sources to include the Knights of Columbus of La Junta.
The LEGO activity has proven to be great fun for everyone involved for the last 20 years and we expect it to be just as successful for our 21st year! For more information, call 719-254-7776 or email
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