OJC Announces Chinook Editor, Entry Deadline, and Chinook 2020 Theme

Description: Otero Junior College Announces Chinook 2020 Theme, The Masks We Wear, and Editor, Las Animas Local Tanner King.

Published: 10/22/2020
Byline: Hart


Chinook Editor Tanner King seconews.org

Photo Caption: Tanner King, from Las Animas, has been selected as the editor of the 49th publication of Chinook. The theme for this year is, The Masks We Wear. Submissions will be due on March 1, 2021.


Tanner King Selected as Student-Editor of 2021 Chinook


LA JUNTA — Tanner King has been selected as the editor of the 49th issue of Chinook. Chinook is a literary publication highlighting student and community writing and art, published annually at Otero Junior College. The theme for this year is, The Masks We Wear.

According to King, “This theme seeks to explore the concept of what physical, emotional, and mental masks we humans wear every day. We wear masks to hide emotions, portray a different form of ourselves, masks to keep sane, and so on. This theme hopes to inspire those interested in Chinook this year to take an introspective look at themselves, and see what the idea of "masks" means to them. While following the theme would be wonderful, it is not required, and submissions can be of any category and topic beyond the theme! The theme is for inspiration, not restriction.”

King was born in Lamar but has resided in Las Animas for the majority of his life. He attended Colorado Virtual Academy (COVA), an online public school from second grade until he graduated in 2019. King is currently in his second year at OJC, and is enjoying his experience here so far. His educational pursuits and career path are at present undecided; however, after obtaining his Associate of Arts, he would like to follow a path toward creative mediums, involving writing and storytelling.

What interested King in being the Chinook Editor this year was the idea of inspiring people to express themselves. “There are many talented people who have no place to display and showcase their talents and art, so to have the opportunity to help create a platform for these artists is an absolute honor,” he said.

Chinook, meaning warm wind, was introduced to the Otero Junior College campus by former professor, Dr. Tim Walsh who sponsored the publication for roughly twenty-five years. Department of Arts faculty member, Christina Stork, took on the role of sponsor in 2009. Chinook has supported hundreds of writers' voices through poetry, essays, short stories, and artwork. Submissions in each year's publishing are the works of people from the La Junta area, surrounding schools, businesses and community members.

Any form of original creative writing or art may be submitted, including short stories and essays (1500 words or less), poetry (24 lines), artwork, and photographs. All submissions must be original and not previously published. Written works should be submitted in Microsoft Word.

The magazine is printed in color and offers a vivid showcase for artwork such as oil, pastel, watercolor, pencil sketch, graphic design and photography. Visual arts pieces of work must be scanned and submitted as large, high-quality image in JPEG format.

Please include your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, OJC instructor or school (if not OJC), and a title for each work. Items without a title will not be considered. All writing and art submissions must be received by March 1, 2021 at midnight; no exceptions.

Email submissions can be sent to chinooksubmissions@gmail.com, or, go to www.ojc.com/about/publications, locate the Chinook section, and submit from there. If emailing, include the title of the work and the first and last name, mailing address, phone number and email address of the contributor. Contributors who do not have email or Internet access, may mail submissions to Otero Junior College, c/o Christina Stork, Humanities Center, Room 108, 1802 Colorado Ave., and La Junta, CO 81050.

For more information, call Christina Stork at 719-384-6847, or visit the website https://www.ojc.edu/about/publications/chinook/.

Link to online article: https://www.ojc.edu/about/newsevents/press-detail.aspx?prID=3061

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