Birth Announcement Elvis Alan DeLeon Jr.

Description: We welcome Elvis Alan DeLeon Jr to the Southeast Colorado Community... Congratulations to his parents, family, and loved ones...

Published: 09/26/2022
Byline: SECO News

Birth Announcement Elvis Alan DeLeon Jr.

Jade Pizania and Elvis Deleon Sr. are excited to announce the birth of their son Elvis Alan DeLeon Jr. born September 10,2022 at 9:30 pm. Weighing 7lbs and 3.9oz and measuring 21.5in. He was delivered by Dr. Perry at the Arkansas Valley regional Medical Center in La Junta, Colorado. 

Sister Faith (8) and brothers Zion (6) Ezra (4) and Samuel (2) along with grandparent Consuelo Gamboa of Huston, Texas and grandparents Berta and Ricardo of Lamar, Colorado all await his arrival at home.

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