Arkansas Valley Balloon Festival 2018

Description: Over 25 Balloons Flew Over Rocky Ford Colorado The First Weekend of November as an Annual Tradition.
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Great repeat sponsors, like the Rocky Ford Food Market, make the Arkansas Valley Balloon Festival a longstanding tradition.
You can expect to see lots of pride in ownership from the balloon pilots. Also, expect to see the flag fly higher than it typically reaches.
The Spirit of '76. Honoring America's Prisoners of War and flying the stars and stripes high above Southeast Colorado.
A shot from above, you can see several chase vehicles and crews preparing for lift off. In recent years the Arkansas Valley Balloon Festival has been hosted by Innovative Water Technologies just on the western edge of Rocky Ford. The new venue allows for many more balloons and spectators than the former venue, the Rocky Ford High School football field.
The balloons travel whichever way the wind blows. In 2018 it blew to the north, and made for a scenic countryside flight over the Arkansas River.
With over 20 balloons in flight for a brief 30-40 minutes the skies were filled with color.
Few experiences in Southeast Colorado rival a hot air balloon ride for sheer thrill and excitement. The few minutes spent drifting serenely highlight the experience with moments of calm and appreciation for new perspectives. If you are lucky enough your pilot will need to do some touch and go's and you can repeatedly enjoy the rush of the basket bouncing off the ground and aloft again. The Arkansas Valley Balloon Festival might be the best way to shake off the time change blues. As you fall back into Fall you will find an hour well spent on the first weekend in November.
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