Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter November 2022

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Published: 11/16/2022
Byline: Menges

Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter November 2022

Upcoming Events:

Dec 6th – Tuesday – Car club meeting & Christmas party/$15.00 gift exchange

The Christmas party & meeting will be held at the La Junta Senior Center, 2nd & Raton Ave. Starting at 6:45p.m.

Membership dues need to be mailed to: Carol Allen, PO Box 64, Sugar City, CO 8l076-0064

Minute by minute

By Karen Menges

Minutes for November 1, 2022

The November meeting started at 6:00p.m. with President Greg Holt leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Rethabel saying grace over the meeting and for the meal. James Huff moved to approve the October minutes with a second from Leonard Walgren. Motion passed. The treasurer’s report was given by Carol Allen. Leonard Walgren moved to approve as reported with a second from both Rose Grim and James Huff in unison. Motion passed.

NEW MEMBERS – Welcome Wayne and Carrie Potter from North La Junta and two guest - Bill & Carol Allen’s friend Clare and Chuck Donkles’ son Greg

OLD BUSINESSThe tarantula festival was a fun-filled day. The antique car club parked cars on the North side of the court house. The Cottonwood Manor of Rocky Ford was well attended as 16 vehicles participated on a beautiful day. And the meal served was awesome according to James Huff. Rethabel Huff was pretty tickled as her car won an award! A member asked how the chili supper went and Leonard Walgren mentioned that the chili supper which was held at the Otero Museum recently served 300 people.

NEW BUSINESS - With December around the corner everyone was interested to know when, where and what we’re having to eat for the Christmas party/meeting and gift exchange! Option #1 - Ann Dowd reported that the Ordway VFW would serve roast beef, one vegetable, salad, roll, drink, dessert for $18.00 per plate tip included. Option #2 – would be held at the Christian church and catered. Option #3 – The La Junta Senior Center with “Almost Home Cooking” catering the meal which the majority voted on Brisket, salad, green beans, cheesy scalloped potatoes, roll, drink. The club would do the dessert for $15.50 per plate. After discussion, Leonard Walgren moved to add a $3.00 per person tip to the meal ($18.50) with Rethabel Huff calling out a second. Motion passed.

The Christmas Party/meeting and gift exchange will be held on Tuesday December 6th, at the La Junta Senior Center, starting at 6:45p.m. The Senior Center is located at 2nd and Raton, La Junta.

Caitlyn Hansen will need to know how many to fix for about a week before the dinner. You will be notified to see how many are attending. If you say that you are going - you are responsible to pay for the meal whether you attend or not. Please make checks out to Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club and they in turn will write one check to “Almost Home Cooking” You can pay with cash also.

As for the $15.00 gift exchange, once you pay at the door, you will need to let the gals know how many gifts you brought and they will give you a ticket per gift. Women usually buy a gift for a woman and the men buy a man’s gift.

Karen Menges asked if we received money from the La Junta Sonic when the club participated in a Cruise Night on Tuesday August 2nd. Chuck Donkle hasn’t settled with them as of yet.

Leonard Walgren moved that the club pay the First Christian Church $25.00 per meeting for 8 months which would total $200.00. Rose Grim second the motion. Motion passed. Leonard Walgren also moved that the club pay the Otero Museum $100.00 for the use of and displaying the car clubs’ memorabilia. Rose Grim 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Ann Dowd wanted the club to know that the Ordway VFW is having a FREE dinner for the veterans on Friday (Veterans Day) November 11th starting at 2:00. Donations welcome.

Please remember Reyes and Candy Medrano long time members as they are dealing with health issues. Chuck Donkle states that his yellow taxi cab is on display at the Salina, Ks museum from January through April, so check it out when in Kansas!

Membership dues are $20.00 – Please mail to Carol Allen, PO Box 64, Sugar City, CO 81076-0076

We take Cash or Check!!

***50/50 drawing was won by Jimmie Martinez and donated back to the club. THANK YOU, Jimmie

Meeting was adjourned and dinner was enjoyed by ALL!

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