Otero County Health Department Covid Update October 30 2020

Description: The Otero/Crowley County Health Department Covid Update from Director Rick Ritter.

Published: 10/30/2020
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Friday 10/30/2020 at 7:20 am.


10/30/2020 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message. 

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

Good morning, below are some COVID-19 updates for you:

  1. Crowley/Otero Movement to Level 2:  Today (Friday, 10/30/2020) Crowley and Otero Counties officially moved from Safer At Home Level 1 to Level 2.  On Tuesday, I sent you an update regarding this.  If you missed it, I have attached that update.  Please note that we are still regularly seeing new cases, so do all you can to stop the spread.  It is up to us.  
  2. Newly Registered Otero Death.  During my data review and analysis this morning I found that the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has registered a new COVID-19 related death to Otero County.  First and foremost, our sincerest condolences go out to the family and friends of the deceased.  We are sorry for your loss. 

This can be found on the CDPHE public website by following this path:

ü  Go to the following website:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data

ü  Then click on the “Case Summary” link on the left;

ü  Then click on the “Maps” link on the right;

ü  Then click on the red “Deaths” link that is below and to the left of the “Maps” link;

ü  Finally, move your cursor/pointer on top of “Otero”.  Last week the count was at 6 (where it has remained for quite some time).  This morning it is at seven. 

At this point, this is all I know.  I will be following up with CDPHE regarding this. 

  1. Halloween Safety:  Halloween is tomorrow!  Please see the second attachment, which I sent on Thursday, 10/29/2020, regarding Halloween COVID-19 safety.  Have fun and be safe please! 

OCHD Halloween Guidelines Press Release: CLICK HERE

  1. Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Vaccination Planning:  Members of my staff (and our regional planner extraordinaire Kris Stokke) and I met on Wednesday, 10/28/2020 for our first official COVID-19 vaccination planning meeting.  It was a really good meeting, with a long list of actionable items for us to get done.  At this time, we are planning for drive-through clinics, very similar in nature to what we have been doing with flu shot clinics.  As we finalize details, I will keep you “in the loop”.
  2. School Webpages:  Please visit these websites for school-specific information and updates regarding COVID-19:

a.       Cheraw:  https://www.cheraw.k12.co.us/

b.      Crowley County:  http://www.cck12.net/

c.       Fowler:  http://www.fowler.k12.co.us/

d.      La Junta:  https://www.lajuntaschools.org/

e.       Manzanola:  https://www.manzanola.k12.co.us/

f.       OJC:  https://www.ojc.edu/

g.      Rocky Ford:  https://www.rockyfordk12.org/

h.      Swink:  https://www.swinkk12.net/

  1. Summaries

a.       CDPHE COVID-19 Data Webpage:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data

b.      Crowley County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases:  95

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  12 cases added.

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  1

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  0

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Crowley County Correctional Facility

§  Status:  Resolved

§  Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  66

§  Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  4

c.       Otero County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases:  158

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  36 cases added.

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  7

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1 death added

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Lewis Bolt and Nut

§  Status:  Resolved

§  Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  3

§  Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  11

o   Pioneer Healthcare Center

§  Status:  Resolved

§  Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  20

§  Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  14

§  Number of COVID related deaths (lab confirmed):  5

o   Swink High School

§  Status:  Resolved

§  Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

§  Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  2

§  Number of attendees with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  5

d.      Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Related Hospitalization(s):  1 hospitalization since last Friday’s update

e.       State of Colorado (numbers are cumulative) (https://covid19.colorado.gov/data)

ü  102,014 cases

ü  8,943 hospitalized

ü  64 counties

ü  1,196,302 people tested

ü  2,268 deaths among cases

ü  2,095 deaths due to COVID-19

ü  1,166 outbreaks (view outbreak data:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/outbreak-data)

ü  COVID-19 Dial Dashboard:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial/covid-19-dial-dashboard

f.       United States (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases:  8,834,393

ü  Total Deaths: 227,045

ü  Data Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

o   Website:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html 

g.      Global (number are cumulative)

ü  Confirmed Cases:  44,592,789

ü  Deaths:  1,175,553

ü  Data Source:  Who Health Organization (WHO)

o   Website:  https://covid19.who.int/

  1. What can you do RIGHT NOW?

ü  Read, understand, and comply with public health orders!  Public health orders can be found here:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/prepare-protect-yourself/prevent-the-spread/public-health-executive-orders

ü  Prevent the spread of COVID-19: https://covid19.colorado.gov/prevention 

ü  Limit workplace violence:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/business-employers/limit-workplace-violence.html

ü  Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

ü  Wear an appropriate mask if you must go out for an essential activity.

ü  If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.

ü  Cover your cough and/or sneeze.

ü  Keep your fingers and hands away from your face.

ü  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

ü  Stay informed by trusted and reliable sources.  Be careful about believing what you read on social media sites.  Trusted sources/websites:

o   Otero County Health Department (OCHD):  https://www.oterogov.com

o   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):  https://www.cdc.gov

o   Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE):  https://covid19.colorado.gov/

ü  Do these things so you will be prepared, and not scared.

ü  And remember, “This too shall pass.”

Gotta run now, as we are in Rocky Ford today with another drive-through flu shot clinic.  We need to remember that there are other dangers out there, like influenza.  Members of our hard-working staff went to Springfield this week to help Baca County with their flu shots.  Thanks to Jackie, Tarren, and Dr. Maier for assisting our neighbors to the southeast! 

Enjoy a safe weekend!  It is up to us. 

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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