2022 Wreaths Across America Ceremony at Fort Lyon National Cemetery

Description: Fort Lyon National Cemetery during the 2022 Wreaths Across America Ceremony where Community volunteers came out and placed wreaths on flag marked graves at Fort Lyon, Las Animas/Bent County, and Peaceful Valley Cemeteries. (Photo by Kathleen Tomlin)

By Kathleen Tomlin
December 20, 2022
A special thanks to Darla Youngblood, Fort Lyon Coordinator, who arranged the Wreaths Across America Dedication Ceremony at Fort Lyon National Cemetery on December 17th and to all the volunteers who helped her.
At 8 am it was 7 degrees! Colorado cold, crispy and lots of snow! Rick Ward, Veterans Service Officer for Bent County, served as emcee and welcomed and thanked everyone that came to celebrate the mission to remember the fallen; honor those that serve and their families; and teach the next generation the value of freedom.
A moment of silence was held to remember the fallen, prisoners of war, those missing in action and honor those who have served and are serving this great nation’s armed service.
The VFW Post #2411 of Las Animas presented the colors, and all joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. Carlton McKay, Church of the Nazarene provided the invocation.
In opening remarks, Rick quoted our 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Rick then instructed designated volunteers to place the evergreen wreaths, trimmed with simple red bows, in memory of those who served and are serving.
U. S. Army was placed by Darla Youngblood, daughter of an Army Veteran.
U. S. Marine Corps was placed by Christian Wynn, daughter of a Marine Veteran.
U. S. Navy was placed by Navy Veteran, Phil Youngblood.
U. S. Air Force was placed by Cheri Montoya, niece of an Air Force veteran.
U. S. Space Force was placed by Army Veteran Eric Rovlenchik.
U. S. Coast Guard was placed by Candy Ward, wife of a Coast Guard Veteran.
U. S. Merchant Marines was placed by Navy Veteran, Juan Saucedo.
The POW/MIA wreath was placed by Pam Valdez in honor of the 93,129 U. S. Servicemen from all branches of the service whose last known status was either Prisoners of War or Missing in Action. These individuals have never returned to their families and homes. We shall not forget you.
After the ceremonial wreaths were laid, the American Legion Post #6 of Las Animas and honor guard delivered the three-volley salute.
The dedication concluded with TAPS performed by the VFW Post #2411. Community volunteers came out and placed wreaths on flag marked graves at Fort Lyon, Las Animas/Bent County, and Peaceful Valley Cemeteries.
Fort Lyon received 342 wreaths; Pikes Peak National Cemetery sent down 640 extra wreaths to help at Fort Lyon, and that was truly appreciated. That brought the total wreaths to Fort Lyon at 982; Las Animas/Bent County received 432 wreaths; and Peaceful Valley (and for other cemeteries) received 18 wreaths; for a grand total of for a total of 1432 wreaths.
Appreciation is expressed to the drivers of the semi-trucks that delivered the wreaths to Fort Lyon, Las Animas, and Peaceful Valley. The trucks are beautiful and many of the drivers are volunteers.
The Auxiliary receives $5.00 for each wreath sold, and then in turn uses this to help veteran projects in our area. The wreaths looked awesome! If you have any questions, contact Kathleen Tomlin, President, VFWA at 719-456-2948.
A special thanks goes out to all the volunteers that make this event possible and for those cemetery employees that help us! God bless our Veterans and Remember – Honor – Teach.
Related Content:
2022 Wreaths Across America Wrap-Up
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