The City of La Junta will Open up the Armory as a Temporary Warming Shelter

Description: The City of La Junta released the following in response to Freezing temperatures and the potential need for a temporary homeless shelter.

Published: 12/21/2022
Byline: SECO News

The City of La Junta will Open up the Armory as a Temporary Warming Shelter


Due to the upcoming extreme weather conditions moving into the Arkansas Valley between Wednesday evening and Friday morning. The City of La Junta will open up the Armory as a temporary warming shelter from 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 21st until Friday, December 23rd at Noon. Otero County has provided two dozen cots and blankets. The Kitchen of Kindness has graciously offered a meal of chili beans on Thursday, December 22nd in the evening and at Noon on Friday, December 23rd.

We are in need of volunteers to watch the Armory overnight from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. on both tonight, Wednesday the 21st and Thursday, December the 22nd

Please contact Melanie Scofield at 719-384-5991 if you are able to volunteer or after 5:00 p.m., you may just show up at the Armory.

Please enter the Armory through the south door located between the building and the cemetery.

If you are needing additional assistance on this matter, please call the La Junta Police Department at 719-384-2525.

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