Colorado State Patrol Completes Rollout of Body-Worn Cameras

Description: Due to the size of the agency, this rollout was conducted in a phased approach across the state, by district, with a targeted completion of February 2023. In 2020 Senate Bill 20-217 was passed requiring all Colorado law enforcement agencies to fully implement BWCs by July 1, 2023.

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Colorado State Patrol completes rollout of body-worn cameras
DENVER - The Colorado State Patrol has completed implementation, certification and training on new body-worn cameras for all 725 active troopers state-wide.
The Colorado State Patrol, embarked on the implementation of Axon Body Worn
Cameras (BWCs) in addition to our pre-existing in-car camera systems in August 2022.
Due to the size of the agency, this rollout was conducted in a phased approach across the state, by district, with a targeted completion of February 2023. In 2020 Senate Bill 20-217 was passed requiring all Colorado law enforcement agencies to fully implement BWCs by July 1, 2023.
Capturing a video recording of critical incidents and encounters with the public
strengthens police accountability and provides a valuable new type of evidence. In addition, by providing a video record of police activity, BWCs have made law enforcement operations more transparent to the public and have helped resolve questions following an encounter between officers and members of the public.
“The body-worn camera has been a good addition to the Colorado State Patrol operations,” said Sgt. Troy Kessler, CSP public information officer. “Troopers have found the evidence collected via the body-worn camera is a valuable source to be used in investigations.”
Since the initial rollout, there has been positive acceptance among troopers in the use of this new technology, said Kessler.
With troopers now outfitted, the Colorado State Patrol will expand use of the BWCs with the agency’s Port of Entry officers. Port of Entry will receive their training and body-worn cameras beginning the end of April 2023 and anticipate completion by the end of August 2023.
The Port of Entry and its team exists to encourage and promote the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles in a manner that safeguards the motoring public while protecting the state's infrastructure through uniform practices and enforcement procedures. The unit is also responsible for the collection of taxes, the issuance of permits, and the inspection of commercial motor vehicles for compliance with established safety regulations.
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