Prowers County Public Health Covid Update November 4th
Description: Prowers County Public Health Covid Update November 4th 2020.
Prowers County Public Health and Environment
November 4, 2020
*As of 11/03/2020 4:00PM
Positivity rate is 17.01%, Up from 11.63% last week (goal is <5%) as of 4pm 11/02/2020. 389 tests done from 10/25-11/02/2020.
CASES PAST 14 DAYS (10/20-11/02): 85
• Updates the dial levels to be identified by color by removing the numbers from the Safer-AtHome levels. This change is intended to be more easily understood by Coloradans already accustomed to existing color-coded warning systems.
• Limits gatherings to no more than 10 from no more than 2 households for levels Blue, Yellow, and Orange, and prohibits gatherings for Red.
• Specifies that places of worship do not need to use the spacing calculator for seated events, consistent with other sector guidance, in all Safer at Home levels. Seated parishioners should be at least 6 feet apart from other households.
• Emphasizes that outdoor worship is always permitted.
• Changes indoor event guidance in Level Orange: Safer at Home, High Risk to be 25% of posted occupancy limit or 50 people, whichever is fewer.
• Changes outdoor event guidance in Level Orange: Safer at Home, High Risk to be 25% of posted occupancy limit or 75 people, whichever is fewer.
• Includes in-person learning for preschool through grade 12 schools as part of the “Critical Business” definition. This clarifies that local districts are able to make determinations on how to structure the format of education based on local factors.
• Finalizes transportation guidance to emphasize the requirement to wear a mask and practice physical distancing while on public transportation.
• Defines Stay at Home requirements, clarifying that at this level most activities are significantly curtailed, only allowed in outdoor environments, or prohibited, and noncritical businesses are closed for in-person work or services
• If you were at Grace Fellowship Church held at the Brew Unto Others coffee shop on Sunday 10/25/2020 you were exposed to COVID-19 and need to quarantine through November 8, 2020. Please call us for more information and testing.
• There is an outbreak associated with Lamar Christian Church. If you attended the Women’s retreat on Saturday 10/24/2020 you were exposed to COVID-19 and should quarantine through November 7, 2020. An outbreak is defined as 2 or more cases associated with an event. There is at least one case in someone living in another jurisdiction and there are 2 confirmed cases in those living in Prowers and Kiowa Counties. This number is likely to change as test results come in and further investigation is done.
• There is an outbreak at Lamar Estates nursing home in Lamar. This has been devastating and the numbers of residents and staff positives continues to evolve. There have now been 10 deaths associated with this outbreak. The CDC and CDPHE determine whether the person died of, or with, COVID-19. We are required to report deaths in COVID-19 positive patients. PCPHE does not determine the end decision on cause of death.
• Our Facebook page continues to be down due to the actions of some people attacking others. It is an information source that will resume in the next few weeks if people can be more civil. We have been asked if we can turn off comments and we are unable to do so on a page.
• There are quarantines and positive results at multiple schools in the county. We follow the school outbreak guidance that can be found at:
• Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will be giving flu shots via drive-thru clinics this year. The final drive-thru clinic will be held Saturday November 14 from 10am to 3pm at the Prowers County Fairgrounds. You do not have to have insurance, though bring your card if you do!
• If you think you may have COVID-19 and are interested in testing, you can now call public health directly at 336-8721 to schedule. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911. We are still working to find an alternate lab who can guarantee quicker turnaround time on our free tests.
• There continues to be a Mask Mandate for those over the age of 10 in all indoor spaces other than home
• Stay home if not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least 6 feet from others. Minimize gatherings.
• If you have been told to isolate or quarantine, please take this seriously. It means stay home! The laws and guidance are here:
We will now be including a “heat map” on our weekly updates. The bigger and more colorful the circle, the more cases present. COVID-19 is present throughout our county. We are ALL in this together.
Call PCPHE with any questions at 719-336-8721 This is posted on the Prowers County website as well.
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