Otero/Crowley County Health Department Covid Update November 13th
Description: Otero/Crowley County Health Department Covid Update November 13th.
The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Friday 11/13/2020 at 12:25pm.
11/13/2020 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1: Weekly Update
Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.
Internet links: Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active. However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow. You may have to search around a bit.
Howdy Y’All! I have a bit of good news below, so “without further ado” let’s get right to it:
- Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Case/Positivity Trends: Yesterday I worked quite a while on data, and I am happy to share the following: Available data shows a recent downward trend in case rates and average test positivity. Here is a concise overview:
ü Not counting the prisoners in the current prison outbreaks, Crowley has moved out of Level Red and has established in Level Orange, which is what we want to see! As of yesterday, Thursday 11/12/2020 at approximately 1pm, I calculated the Crowley County two week cumulative case rate to be 248.68 cases per 100,000 population (again, this does not include the prisoners). This is not in Level Red, but Level Orange. This can be compared to the rate that includes the prisoners, which is approximately 2,500. You may see this very large rate someplace else, please remember it includes the prisoners in the prison outbreaks.
ü Otero is showing some promising signs as well, as it has had 3 recent rate reductions (on 11/7/20, 11/8/20, and 11/10/20) compared to the previous days. As of yesterday, Thursday 11/12/2020 at approximately 1pm, the Otero two week cumulative case rate was 481.42 cases per 100,000 population. This is still in the Level Red zone, but we are seeing a recent, modest downward trend on the epi curve (a graph that shows cases over time).
ü Since Crowley and Otero are a combined public health jurisdiction, we often consider combined data. As of yesterday, Thursday 11/12/2020 at approximately 1pm , I calculated the combined Crowley/Otero two week cumulative case rate to be 423.67 cases per 100,000 population, with a definite downward trend over the last several days. My calculation excludes the prisoners in the Crowley prison outbreaks.
ü As of yesterday, Thursday 11/12/2020 at approximately 1pm, the epi curves as individual counties and as a combined public health jurisdiction are all showing downward trends.
ü As a combined jurisdiction and as individual counties, our positivity rates show a downward trend and our tests rates remain well above the necessary threshold.
ü IMPORTANT: Please remember, this downward trend can change in a heartbeat, very quickly. In epidemiology, we use the word “trend” very deliberately. “Trend” can be defined as “a general direction in which something is developing or changing.” Thanks to Google for the definition. So, this is a general downward movement. Do I expect to see spikes in cases here and there? Yes I do, it will happen during a surge. What we want to do is keep this general downward trend going, and not have it reverse on us where the trend is proceeding upward, which indicates that case rates are climbing again.
ü In order to keep trending downward regarding case and positivity rates, we MUST do the following:
§ Take the threat of COVID-19 to the health of both people and our economy seriously, because it is serious. This current surge is very, very serious.
§ Do not become complacent, but instead diligently strive to protect yourself, your family, and others.
§ Follow the Level Orange restrictions until further notice. I have attached a copy of the level restriction requirements.
§ Wear our masks. There is some new information on masks, please see #4 below.
§ Maintain social distancing.
§ Comply with isolation and quarantine guidance.
§ Stay home if we are sick.
§ Wash our hands adequately and frequently.
§ More prevention guidance, sure thing, here ya go!: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
- Level Orange: Today (Friday, 11/13/2020) Crowley and Otero County are officially in Level Orange on the COVID-19 Dial. For you convenience, I have attached the level restrictions guidance.
- Rumors: Yesterday I heard from more than 1 source that we were officially going into Level Red, and that restaurants and other businesses were going to be closed. That is absolutely not true. Please be careful about what you hear from other people and read on social media. More importantly, be careful about what you choose to believe and how you act upon that belief. At a minimum, my goal is to send out 1 update each week, and lately I have been sending more. Please share these updates with as many people as possible, and please read them carefully.
- CDC Masks Update: Very recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued information on new studies that indicate that wearing a mask both protects the wearer and those around them. This has changed from the idea that the main benefit of wearing masks is to protect others. That is some more good news! It might be a little “dry” reading, but the article is short in length and if you are so inclined here is where you can find it:
Here is the conclusion of he article. It mentions SARS-CoV-2, that is the virus that causes COVID-19. The underlining is mine: “Experimental and epidemiological data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The prevention benefit of masking is derived from the combination of source control and personal protection for the mask wearer. The relationship between source control and personal protection is likely complementary and possibly synergistic, so that individual benefit increases with increasing community mask use. Further research is needed to expand the evidence base for the protective effect of cloth masks and in particular to identify the combinations of materials that maximize both their blocking and filtering effectiveness, as well as fit, comfort, durability, and consumer appeal. Adopting universal masking policies can help avert future lockdowns, especially if combined with other non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and adequate ventilation.”
- School Webpages: Please visit these websites for school-specific information and updates regarding COVID-19:
a. Cheraw: https://www.cheraw.k12.co.us/
b. Crowley County: http://www.cck12.net/
c. Fowler: http://www.fowler.k12.co.us/
d. La Junta: https://www.lajuntaschools.
e. Manzanola: https://www.manzanola.k12.co.
f. OJC: https://www.ojc.edu/
g. Rocky Ford: https://www.rockyfordk12.org/
h. Swink: https://www.swinkk12.net/
- Summaries
a. CDPHE COVID-19 Data Webpage: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
b. Crowley County (numbers are cumulative)
ü Total Cases: 351
o Change from last Friday’s update: 152 cases added
§ These numbers include the prison outbreaks. (Please see Facility Outbreaks below).
ü Total COVID Related Deaths: 1
o Change from last Friday’s update: 0
ü Facility Outbreaks
o Crowley County Correctional Facility
§ Previously Resolved Outbreak
· Date outbreak was considered closed: 7/20/2020
· Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 66
· Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 4
§ Currently Active Outbreak
· Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 98
o Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility
§ Currently Active Outbreak
· Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 39
· Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 1
c. Otero County (numbers are cumulative)
ü Total Cases: 249
o Change from last Friday’s update: 50 cases added.
ü Total COVID Related Deaths: 6
o Change from last Friday’s update: 0
ü Facility Outbreaks
o Valley Wide Health Systems
§ Status: Active
§ Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed): 10
o Lewis Bolt and Nut
§ Status: Resolved
§ Date outbreak was considered closed: 10/27/2020
§ Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed): 3
§ Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed): 11
o Otero Junior College
§ Status: Active
§ Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed): 26
o Pioneer Healthcare Center
§ Status: Resolved
§ Date outbreak was considered closed: 9/18/2020
§ Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 20
§ Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed): 14
§ Number of COVID related deaths (lab confirmed): 5
o Swink High School
§ Status: Resolved
§ Date outbreak was considered closed: 10/19/2020
§ Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed): 1
§ Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed): 2
§ Number of attendees with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed): 5
d. Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Related Hospitalization(s): 5 new hospitalizations since last Friday’s update.
e. State of Colorado (numbers are cumulative) (https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü 147,599 cases
ü 10,597 hospitalized
ü 64 counties
ü 1,389,134 people tested
ü 2,234 deaths due to COVID-19
ü 1,572 outbreaks (view outbreak data: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü COVID-19 Dial Dashboard: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
f. United States (numbers are cumulative)
ü Total Cases: 10,508,864
ü Total Deaths: 242,216
ü Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
o Website: https://www.cdc.gov/
g. Global (numbers are cumulative)
ü Confirmed Cases: 52,487,476
ü Deaths: 1,290,653
ü Data Source: Who Health Organization (WHO)
o Website: https://covid19.who.int/
- What can you do RIGHT NOW?
ü Read, understand, and comply with public health orders! Public health orders can be found here: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü Prevent the spread of COVID-19: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü Limit workplace violence: https://www.cdc.gov/
ü Use COVID-19 informational graphics: https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.
ü Wear an appropriate mask if you must go out for an essential activity.
ü If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.
ü Cover your cough and/or sneeze.
ü Keep your fingers and hands away from your face.
ü Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
ü Stay informed by trusted and reliable sources. Be careful about believing what you read on social media sites. Trusted sources/websites:
o Otero County Health Department (OCHD): https://www.oterogov.com
o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov
o Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE): https://covid19.colorado.gov/
ü Do these things so you will be prepared, and not scared.
ü And remember, “This too shall pass.”
Enjoy your weekend, and remember it’s up to us!
Richard Ritter, Executive Director
Otero County Health Department
13 West 3rd Street, Room 111
La Junta, Colorado 81050
719-383-3045 (Office)
719-383-3060 (Fax)
SECO News Encourages Only Sharing Public Health Information From Trusted Sources.
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