2023 Bent County VFW & VFWA Memorial Day Services & Activities

Description: Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance when we express our deepest gratitude to our deceased veterans for defending the freedoms that we hold dear. Bent County has 653 veteran’s graves at Bent County/Las Animas Cemetery and 2335 graves at Fort Lyon National Cemetery.

VFW & VFWA Memorial Day Services & Activities
By Kathleen Tomlin
Memorial Day is a solemn day of remembrance when we express our deepest gratitude to our deceased veterans for defending the freedoms that we hold dear. Bent County has 653 veteran’s graves at Bent County/Las Animas Cemetery and 2335 graves at Fort Lyon National Cemetery.
Memorial Day activities are:
SMALL FLAG PLACEMENT: Friday May 26th: BC/Las Animas Cemetery at 3 pm. Volunteers are welcome! These small flags will remain up all weekend and Cemetery Staff will take them down. Small flags will be placed at Fort Lyon National Cemetery on Friday by Cemetery staff and will remain up all weekend.
VFWA POPPY DRIVE: Saturday morning May 27th at designated businesses and the Museum throughout Las Animas.
LAS ANIMAS AVENUE OF FLAGS: Monday, Memorial Day, volunteers needed at 6:30 am to hang the Avenue of Flags throughout Las Animas – meet at Donkle’s Storage near Val-U-Med. We have 3 teams – join a team and help us! Flags will be taken down starting at 3pm.
FORT LYON NATIONAL CEMETERY: Meet at 8 am on Monday Memorial Day to hang the Avenue of Flags. Flags will be taken down at 4 pm, weather permitting.
MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES: Bent County/Las Animas Cemetery at 9 am on Memorial Day, May 29th. Fort Lyon National Cemetery at 11 am on Memorial Day. We are proud to announce our guest speaker, Becky VanVleet, from Colorado Springs. The subject of her speech is titled, “For the Love of Country.”
Volunteers are needed and appreciated for all activities. Memorial Day is when the USA comes together to honor and remember our servicemen and women who answered America’s call to service and paid the ultimate price. Memorial Day is the time for Americans as one body to stand up and say, “Thank you. We remember you. We are grateful to you.” Let’s individually visit and pay our respects. God bless our veterans and God bless AMERICA!
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