Swink Schools 7th-12th Grade Moves To Remote Learning Monday November 16th

Description: Swink Schools Moving Secondary Students To Remote Learning Monday, November 16th.

Published: 11/15/2020
Byline: Hart

Swink Secondary Students Move to Remote Learning 

Just before 9 pm Sunday evening Swink School District notified 7th-12th grade students that they would be moving to Remote Learning Effective Monday November 16th.

"Swink 7th-12th grades ONLY will be going to REMOTE LEARNING TOMORROW (11-16-20) End Date TBD. Remote Classes begin at 7:45. More info to be given Monday."

"Swink 7th - 12th grades: please call the school tomorrow to arrange a time to pick up any needed books or supplies. Thank You!!"

SECO News Will Update This Article as New Information is Made Available. Please Check The School District Website for Updates:


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